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Tomorrow is testing day. I hope it will be like the old tests before the war, sitting at a desk checking off the correct boxes. Mother said they haven't given any clues away in the news, our homemade television only picks up the news channel - Channel 231. At school; James and I discussed how much better our lives would be when we move to our factions, he insisted his results would be Dauntless and they would "welcome him with open arms" while I would be put straight into Amity.

"You-You're a tree hugger" He scoffed, shoving bread in his huge mouth and letting the crumbs spray everywhere "All the boys have betted that Amity is where you are going, your parents are going to Candor"

"Hey!" I shoved him, hard. "My parents are going straight to Abnegation, they hate me even talking to you"

The dinner hall was small and sweaty, I still don't understand why the families are put into insufferable poverty while the singletons are allowed to have a silver spoon in their mouths and awe at us like we are in a zoo. James needed a haircut, his dark brown shag was covering his eyes. In all honesty, he wasn't fit for dauntless. He was gangly, uncoordinated and from what has been said, Dauntless is ruthless. All ex-soldiers, police officers, prisoners and any tough guy or gal around applied directly for dauntless - although the prisoners didn't even get through clearing. For ultimate peace, the ultimate decision had to be made, they were all executed right outside the fence. Father applied for small jobs, collecting the dead bodies was one of them. He came home, blood smeared on his face and death in his eyes.

Governor Coal said "It was the only choice, they started the war and we can't have that risk hanging over us and our children" Nice. Bringing in the children was a key ploy to touch our hearts.

"They're afraid he will kiss you" Meep sighed, she was my cousin. "So much chemistry between you two"

She held her tiny hands up into a heart and looked through, sighing once again. Meep was small and fragile; it was a surprise she even survived the war. Days without food and the coldest winter on record, I was on the brink of death. Her hair was short and her bones protruded no matter how much she ate, I handed her half of my bread everyday but it was pointless. The white dress that clung to her frame and slipped off her shoulders had been stained grey but that was normal for Convergence, every six months we had a choice of 2 clothing items to replace the old ones. I always chose underwear and a dress while Meep chose sandals and a sun hat, she was so suited to Amity. In three years, she will be tested and I know she will pick Amity no matter what.

"Shut up Beep" James shoved her hands down, pressing her little button nose and honking

"Don't call me that" Her eyes welled with tears, pulling her woven sunhat over her eyes

"Now look!" I went to comfort her, she easily fitted onto my lap and grabbed my charcoal black hair for comfort "You're an ass sometimes"

James threw his head back, laughing, he really was a pig "Calm down Lizzie-Rose"

It wasn't worth it, Meep was sobbing into my shoulder; her tears running down my dry skin. It's sad how necessities are the thing I miss the most, not my dog or my old friends or my dead siblings.

It was late, I was waiting for the siren to signal us to go back to our huts before nightfall but it never came. Was curfew lifted? That is impossible. I signalled to James to ask what the time was, he frantically searched for a clock. They were a rarity in Convergence. He grabbed a man's arm, he was in all black so must have been a guard. Black is prohibited, only white clothing.  It was 8:10pm, we still have twenty minutes. Today was my last day in zone 6. I love the nights, the sky is inky blue by 9pm and seeing the spotlights dance in the sky through the small hole in the hut roof makes everything feel magical. I wonder when the novelty will wear off, being able to breathe fresh air and smell grass. Although we were outside of the fence, I still felt safe.


The 11th of June. We are making history, no one has ever taken this test so you could say we are the trial run. Mother had laid out clothes at the end of my bed, the first time I had seen machine washed clothes in years. It was a simple white dress, it was sleeveless and low cut. The fabric was restrictive, I tried to stretch it but it remoulded back instantly.

"You are a woman now, don't look so shocked at the clothes they sent you" Mother was standing in the doorway, she was beautiful. You can only appreciate true beauty when sunbeams capture someone's face and release their soul.

"The Erudite Government sent this? For me?" I was shocked, my cheeks flushed red.

"Who knew they were so liberal?" Mother patted my shoulder, it was still slightly sticky from Meep's tears. Water was scarce outside of the city, I only showered every couple of days.

"C-Can I ask you something?" I pulled my dress up and over my body, I never noticed my curves. Did I magically grow breasts overnight? Is that what happens when you turn Sixteen?

"Sure darling" She smiled, I could tell she was excited to leave Convergence. I was their only child, they think of it as a blessing now

"Where are you going to pick?" I was hesitant

"Well" She paused, biting her plush lower lip "By what I was sent, it looks like Abnegation"

"They don't choose for us" I snapped "Why did I get sent this then? They magically know I am choosing Dauntless?"

"It must be obvious" Mother moved closer to me, tucking a strand of hair behind me burning hot ear "You are dauntless, I knew ever since the description of the faction came out that you belong there"

"What?!" I huffed "No! I am weak"

She shook her head, grabbing me firmly around the shoulders. Mother knew me better than anyone, it was incredibly foolish of me to reject her reasoning.

"They have been watching you kids for a while now" She was still smiling "They know you, they are subtly hinting with this outfit. Dauntless will love it. They will love your strength, you pulled James out of the ditch all on your own the other day"

"I was certain I was destined for Amity" I was dumbfounded "Even if I rejected the teasing, I knew it. You don't have to do the test, do you?"

"No, no" She released me "I am too old and impressionable for that test"

"Gabby!" Father called, he treated my Mother like a dog "We need to leave"

"One second Andy" She scowled, I knew she would chose a different faction to my Father. My Mother was witty, intelligent and most importantly honest. She was destined to be in Candor. Father was destined for Abnegation, he reserved but compassionate. He even gave away our food for the day to the family of seven next door. I have never forgiven him.

"Are you nervous?" My voice squeaked slightly

"No" Mother said without a second thought "This choice is for you, not for me or Father. Equally my choice is for myself, I don't have to follow Father. This is a different world, loyalty is valued but it is not the be all of end all." I admired my Mother.

7:15am, two hours until the aptitude test. Two hours until my life could change forever. I turned to look in the small cracked mirror, it was being supported by a fragile piece of string I won from Meep. This was my time to use something I had waited a year to use, I counted down my drawers. One. Two. Three. Four. The drawer was practically sealed by dust, it was jammed but took a few stern tugs to free. It contained one black eyeliner, face powder, lip gloss (in Perky Peach to be specific) and a mascara. All of this I saved from before the war, it was probably terribly out of date and full of bacteria but I had to look presentable, desirable to my new faction. The lip gloss glided across my lips, the feeling of makeup was amazing, I felt beautiful. Once I had finished, I looked transformed. I spun around, letting the silky fabric of my dress spin around creating a small wind storm amongst the leaves and dirt on the floor.

"Elizabeth!" Mother called "The bus is here"

I took one final look in the cracked mirror. I am ready.

A/N: I hope you like it! I'm really excited about this one :) Remember to give feedback and vote!

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