Back Gnomes!

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I sat down at the window bench, opening the book I found. I was instantly greeted with pages of monsters and information regarding them. I read through the pages carefully, each page captivated me. It wasn't until I got to a certain page that the excited smile on my face dropped. My eyes narrowed, on the page happened to have a picture that happened to look like Norman, not that I was drawing any conclusions and was claiming that Norman was a zombie or something, but it would explain his weird behavior. I mumbled,

"Something weird is going on in Gravity Falls, and I'm not sure I like it."

"I totally feel you dude. I've noticed tons weird spooky stuff, like I'm pretty sure the mailman is a werewolf," said a voice from beside me. I whipped my head towards the direction of the voice, jumping up and getting into a defensive position, I instantly relaxed when I saw who it was. "Whoa dude, nice reaction there. You got good reflexes," Soos said with an impressed tone, continuing to screw a new lightbulb in. I gave him a weak grin, I was hoping no one would know about my "reflexes" while I was here, just so I would avoid trouble. There was a brief moment of silence before I spoke up,

"Soos, I think Mabel's boyfriend is a zombie. I mean, he looks exactly like the picture in this book I found. Not to mention the short amount of time I met him, he acted close to how the book describes how zombies act! Oh man, I think Mabel's in trouble, but I don't want to make stupid assumptions!"

"How about you jus tell Mabel your thoughts, you two can work out the rest then," Soos replied, just as the front door opened and a voice called out, telling anyone in the house she was home. "Well looks like she's home, best go talk o her now."

"Good idea! Thanks Soos!"

"No problem," Soos said, tipping his hat down so it covered his face. He started to walk backwards into the shadows, which began to envelop him before he said, "All in a good day's work as a handyman." I glanced to where he faded out before making my downstairs, not mentioning that I knew he was still there.

"Hey Mabel!" I called out, hearing her reply come from the kitchen I went to meet her there. Once arriving I saw her eating a bag of chips, which caused an eyebrow raise from me. "You didn't eat on your date?"

"Shut up, I'm going through puberty. But what did you want? As you can see, I'm busy," Mabel said with a light glare, daring me to judge her more. Which I did, you know because we're such close siblings.

"Yeah, busy being a fat-ass," that caused me to earn a smack on the arm. "Well, ouch. This isn't what I wanted to talk about. It's about your boyfriend, I-"

"Oh isn't he just charming? You just adore him don't you?" Mabel said, a light a blush on her cheeks.

"Why would I adore him? For the last time I'm not gay, at least I don't think I am," I said, questioning myself.

"Aha! So you might be!"

" How am I suppose to know? I can't rule it out if I never tried. Gods be damned! Off topic! I think Norman isn't human!" I yelled in frustration, tired on how our conversations never can stay on track. It was Mabel's turn to raise an eyebrow at me.

"Why would you say that?" she asked, I flipped the book open to the page where Norman was drawn, she giggled. "Wait, you think Norman is a gnome?"

"Wait, what?" I turned the book towards myself to see that I did turn to the wrong page. I flipped to the right one and shoved the book into her face.

"A zombie? Well that sounds pretty cool, if he tries to eat me I'll break it off. But being a zombie sounds pretty cool, too! Just going around eating brains, raghhh!" Mabel said, wrapping an arm around me, pretending to take a bite out of me. "Yuck Dips, when's the last time you took a shower?"

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