"Damon." He said as he sat back down.

I really didn't want this to happen today and thankfully it wasn't going to.

"I was hoping you and Elena would like to join me for lunch."

"Was it real lunch, or vampire lunch?" Was the first thing that ran through my mind, lately you couldn't predict Stefan.

"I mean, us three go out to the Mystic grill and spend some time; have some fun!" he added.

Stefan wanting fun? This was a joke, right? I looked over at Damon who looked just as surprised as I did. Before the moment faded, I quickly made the decision.

"We'd love to, Stefan."

He smiled and got up from the couch. Pleased, he started up the stairs.

"I need to change." He shouted from the top of the stairs, which was not necessary at all and he knew that, knew that we could hear even a whisper.

Damon looked at me with wide eyes, got up and took my hand.

"Why are we agreeing to do this?" he asked.

"Because, he is your brother and we all need to get along and move on. Please stop freaking out. I chose you, Damon, and I'm not changing my mind." I assured him and he took me in a long embrace.

The mystic Grill was more packed than usual. I guess it was a good thing for the business. Or maybe it was because the founders festivities were beginning soon and everyone felt the need to relieve some stress. Damon sat next to me in a booth and Stefan joined on the opposite side. We ordered a few rounds of drinks and settled on burgers; not my favorite.

"So, Elena any word from Bonnie?" Stefan asked. What did he care? His cares for anyone and everything were gone.

"Not in a few days, why?" I still didn't understand why he cared.

"No reason, I just wondered if you had heard from her, or if she was mad at you." Mad; why would she be mad?

"She's not mad." Damon cut in.

I looked to Damon who took my hand under the table. We'd been through a lot with Stefan recently. Stefan was going through yet another let down. He'd resorted back to his 'ripper' days. I didn't exactly know why, but I figured it may have something to do with the fact that I gave up on him and finally listened to my heart. Damon. He pretends not to care, but deep down I know it's hurting him. Hell, I'm hurt, but I do think it's for the best. I deserve what I want. After all I've gone through, after everyone I've lost. I'm not even trying to make myself sound pitiful, but it's true.

Stefan looked to Damon with a furrowed brow and smiled a grin that looked a bit scary.

"I see." He added

Matt was still working at the grill after all he'd been through too. Still set on his lifestyle of a in and out mom that he had to pretend to care for, still set on paying the bill for the house and still set on living his life to the best of his ability. I wish I didn't have to say that I know exactly what he's going through, but I do. And it makes me happy just to see that he can cope, and that he is doing fine.

A long moment of an awkward silence is broke thanks to Matt. He brought us refills and our burgers on a tray that he balanced so well. He sat down the food and lingered for a few seconds to attempt small talk.

"Hey, Elena," He said with a smile.

"Hey." I smiled back. Damon knew that the smiles that were exchanged between us were simply friendly smiles and nothing more. He understood me, possibly better than anyone anymore.

I Want You To Stay (delena)Where stories live. Discover now