"Um, did you lose something?" Max asked pointing to the panties that were thrown on the desk. Flora laughed nervously before grabbing them and throwing them in the dirty hamper. "Sorry about that, anyway let's get started on your homework," Flora said as her face burned.

The two spent the rest of the night working on homework and just hanging out. The more time they spent together the more Max realized the feelings she was having around Flora was something more than just friendship.

The next day Flora noticed a lot of the girls talking and whispering anytime Kate would walk by and it kind of disturbed her. What had Kate done to any of those girls? She was one of the nicest humans on the planet, yet people were snickering all the time. Flora knocked on Kate's door before opening it and walking it. Kate's room was darker than usual and for some reason, all the mirrors were covered up.

"Hey Kate, what's going on? I've noticed you acting a little strange," Flora asked sitting on the bed beside her. Kate was looking down at the floor in shame, there was no way she could tell her friend what she was going through. Flora was at the party with her but they got separated at some point and she completely lost track of her friend and herself.

"Nothing, I just kind of miss home is all. I have to get ready now so I'll see you in Mr. Jefferson's class alright?" Kate said getting up and giving Flora a small smile. Flora didn't believe Kate but it was obvious she didn't want to talk about whatever was clouding her mind so Flora let her be. When she walked out of the room she saw Max heading out and ran up beside her to accompany her to class. "So when are you going to enter your photo for the Everyday Heroes contest? I don't think I'm going to do it since photography isn't really my strong suit," Max shrugged thinking of her lame photo.

There was no way she could show anyone her shitty photo. She might as well write loser on the top before handing it in. "I don't know I had a photo in mind but the more I think about the more I feel like I can do better," Max explained as the pair walked into Jefferson's class. Mark looked up when he saw Flora and Max walk into the class, his eyes lingered on Flora a bit longer. Nathan had been bragging for the last few days about how he took Flora's virginity and it infuriated Mark.

His precious jewel was no long as innocent as he wanted her to be, when he looked at her he noticed her innocent twinkle had faded and something else shone through. He couldn't quite put his finger on it but in due time he would figure it out. Now that she was a bit more experienced he might be able to have her in more ways that one. Just like he had Rachel Amber, not only did she satisfy his photography needs but she also satisfied his personal needs as well.

The other students started to trickle in class and eventually, Mark started lecturing. Flora did what she usually did and only partially listened which she doodled. Flora was doodling a photo of Max and herself when she noticed a bright flash beside her. Did Max just take a selfie in class? Flora though looking her over. Max gave her an awkward smile before Mr. Jefferson started picking on Max. Flora rolled her eyes when Victoria started talking, she thought she was so great when she really wasn't.

The bell rang dismissing class, everyone packed up and left leaving just Flora, Max, Kate and Victoria in the classroom. Flora waved at Max before walking out of the classroom, to the dormitories she thought walking up to her locker. "Hey gorgeous, how you living?" Flora turned and frowned at Logan, she barely spoke to his guy and he was trying to get her to his room. "I was fine until you walked up to me," Logan make a face before shrugging and closing Flora's locker. Of all the hot girls in this school, she was the only one he couldn't get back to his room. Nathan's pathetic ass did it so why couldn't he, Logan thought.

Before Flora could do anything Hayden walked up to the pair and stood in front of her. "Back off Logan, unless you want to deal with Nathan and get kicked out of school I suggest you walk away never speak to her again," Logan punched the lockers freaking Flora out a bit but he eventually walked away. "Thank you, Hayden, I was on the verge of punching his lig..." Flora was cut off by the blaring fire alarm, all the students started running to the exits and Flora took her time, and walked outside.

Fantasy or Reality (Life is Strange Fanfic) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now