Chapter Eight

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Crystal wondered at her attraction to the unknown man...she had spent the better part of her night thinking about him..she was'nt the kind of person to think about someone she just met.. As she prepared for work, his face drifted through her mind and she almost looked forward to seeing him... Then she remembered that she didnt even know his name. Shaking her head to clear her thoughts, she hurried out of the house.

A memo had been circulated informing them to gather at the conference room by noon for a brief meeting as the publisher wanted to address the workers in the editing dapartment. Crystal was a bit curious as there had been no call for a meeting with the head publisher since she began working there.

Few minutes to noon, Crystal finished off what she was working on and left for the meeting glad that she at least knew the way to the conference room. Approaching the conference room, Crystal wondered if the mysterious man she met the previous day will be there...maybe he worked in the same department with her... But she thought against it. If he did she would have met him by now

As she entered, she saw alot of strange faces and Kelly began introducing her to the few she could while they awaited the publisher. When the publisher entered the hall, everyone turned to face him. Crystal also turned and gasped at what she saw.....

Standing by the first chair at the table was the man she had met he was the publisher...she thought as she watched him. That explains how he knew Kelly's office.

"please everyone get seated" he said as his eyes landed on her. Giving her a nod, he continued "good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, am sorry for holding this meeting on short notice but we are here to discuss a very important issue..."

Crystal had already zoned out of the discussion...still lost in thought she saw other people standing and joined them. Great...the meeting had ended and she didnt hear anything he said. She will just have to ask Kelly later...she thought as she turned towards the door.

The publisher intercepted her movement...

"hey" he greeted smiling

"hello sir, am sorry i didnt know it was you when we met yesterday" she meekly looked towards the floor, too nervous to meet his eyes

"oh that...nevermind, am Micheal....Micheal Eke" he streched out his hand

"am Crystal Jason" she replied taking his hand "its a pleasure to meet you" she continued ignoring the sparks that flew up her arm.

"same here...guess I will see you around" Micheal turned and headed to his office without waiting for her reply.

The nerve of this man...Crystal thought as she turned in the direction of her office.

Micheal tried hard to concentrate as he found himself thinking about a certain girl....the same one he has been thinking about since he met her yesterday. So she worked in the editing department...he thought as he read the same line he has been reading for the past ten minutes. She was very beautiful and had a beautiful name "Crystal". But he knew she wouldnt be interested in him...she was far too innocent and such people tend to stay away from him due to his past record. Hold on a sec...why was he even bothered about what she thought or who she was interested in. It was really none of his bussiness...he told himself as he got back to work.

He tried to get through the day without straying thoughts... On his way home, he felt a kind of loniless he had'nt felt in a long time. He was sure it had something to do with that Crystal girl. When he got home, he went into the kitchen to grab a glass of water and before he knew it, he had already pictured Crystal in his kitchen.

Arghhh...shaking his head to clear his thoughts he turned in the direction of his room. He could'nt understand why Crystal was taking up most of his thoughts. Sure she was beautiful but she was'nt the only beautiful girl around him plus since he gave his life to christ few months ago, he did'nt do as much as look at a lady twice.

Deciding that he needed to put off steam, he changed into his gym clothes and left the house. When he returned home, he hurriedly showered and flopped down on the bed. He said a short prayer about his attraction to Crystal before drifting off to sleep...

Micheal entered the office bulding the next day with a mission.....which was to get to know Crystal better. As soon as noon came, he entered her office..

"hello Crystal" he greeted giving her one of those his beautiful smiles

Crystal stood up "good afternoon Mr..."

He interrupted her with a finger "please just call me Micheal"

Looking at him as if he had grown two heads, she nodded.

"good. Now i would like to treat you to lunch, thats if you will let me" he clasped his hand behind his back feeling slightly nervous..was he being too forward? Will she say no?.. He thought as he awaited her reply

A bit surprised she replied "i would love to...but there's something important am working on so i would rather stay here"

"ohh okay then....maybe next time" he finished trying to hide his disappointment.

Leaving the office building, he wondered why her refusal affected him as much as it did or why the handsome guy he met at the door of her office bothered him so much. Was she involved with him?
Michael strode to his car telling himself not to care about it. He didnt know what this thing between them was but he was sure he would'nt be letting it go anytime soon.

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