chapter 10

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When Adrien wakes up from his nap, there is a heavy ache in his chest. It's deep and weighted like an anvil, pressing in on him closely in a way that he can't understand. He had no dreams that disturbed him, and he'd fallen asleep with the sun warm on his skin and the memory of Marinette warm in his heart. So why does he feel brittle like a sheet of ice, cold and fragile?

There's darkness, he thinks. Darkness and pain and fear. Is it his?

He props himself up on his elbows, the sun burning low on the horizon, slanting deep red shadows along the floor of his bedroom. Plagg lays asleep on the pillow next to him, face curled into his paws. The peacefulness that seems settled on the kwami puts Adrien a bit at ease. Plagg would know if something was really wrong, wouldn't he?

Despite the heavy feeling in his stomach, Adrien decides that it's the events that happened earlier today that left a bad taste in his mouth. He shudders away from the memories of the Screamer, from the recognition that he and Ladybug will both have to deal with him again, and kicks his way out of the tangle of his blankets.

Softly, so he doesn't disturb Plagg, he slips out of bed and goes to check his phone. He expects to see a missed call or text from Marinette, and he's disappointed when he doesn't. More than disappointed. Actually, he's almost embarrassed by how fall his heart falls into the pit of his stomach when her name doesn't flash across his phone screen. They had agreed to meet up later tonight, hadn't they?

Instead, he has two texts and a missed call from Nino, inviting him to go see a movie tonight. The call was recent, so Adrien redials Nino's number and puts his phone to his ear, walking toward the windows and pressing his forehead to the cool glass.

"Hey!" Nino answers after the second ring. "What's up, bro? Got my messages?"

"Yeah," Adrien says with a bit of a smile. "I did."

"So? You wanna go? Me and Alya are on our way to the cinema now - if you hurried you could make it here at the same time as us."

"Just you and Alya?" Adrien wonders briefly if that's why Marinette hadn't called him. She wouldn't have to if she planned on seeing him later tonight.

"Yeah, man. Marinette said she was grounded, so it's just us. But look, if you're worried about third-wheeling it too hard, you don't have to. Alya won't even let me hold her hand, y'know?"

On the other side of the line, Adrien hears Alya cry out, "No one wants to see that in public! Besides, what if something happens and I need to get to my phone? I can't do that if you're clinging onto me like one of my little sisters!"

Nino laughs. "See, bro? No weirdness here. You should come."

A part of Adrien longs to agree. It had been two weeks since he'd gotten to hang out with Nino and it would be nice to spend time with him and Alya. But Marinette might be waiting for him and he can't let her down. Can't not won't.

"Sorry, Nino," Adrien says ruefully, lifting his eyes to gaze out at his view of the city from his window. The lights sparkle in the twilight, like candle flames on glass, and it's beautiful. He wonders how everything looked before he met Marinette. Before Ladybug. He can't remember. Was Paris always this pretty? "I've missed too much school. I need to catch up."

"Ew, on a Friday?"

"Yeah. I'm. . ." he sighs. It's too easy to make up excuses when he never has to lie about them. "I've got another modelling gig this weekend. Plus, my piano teacher just got back from London and we've got catching up to do before my recital next month."

"Bro! You're killing me here! I can barely remember what your face looks like anymore!"

Adrien laughs. "Go pick up a copy of Paris Weekly if you need a reminder."

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