Start from the beginning

Adam stood still for a moment, but he looked at me really sad and unaided. I knew he meant it was too late. I also turned back to James, grabbed his hand and walked away. Although I liked Adam, James should’ve been the one who got all of me, because he really loved me, almost violently. I felt the way he was squeezing my hand after he saw that I had hugged Adam, like he wasn’t going to let me leave. Besides, James gave me confidence and safety and I needed those things, just like I needed…blood.

After about fifteen minutes, we were asked to present the tickets and the passports at the gate and get ready to board on plane. We gathered as a group and handed Carmen all of our papers to show them to the stewardess. Right before stepping into the tunnel that leaded to the plane’s door, the alarms started screaming throughout the building. I saw 3 men running towards us from the other side of the hall. The staff gave Carmen the papers back and I pushed everybody in the tunnel, telling them to stay calm but to run. I could see how close the airplane was, Carmen already entering it, and I looked back one more time, to see the gate closing right before the three men’s eyes.

“We have so many people after us. It’s a miracle that they didn’t put “wanted” signs all over the states.” I murmured James while looking for our places. “They are always aware of where we are as well.”

James laughed as he sat down and attached his seatbelt.

“We should start hiding, disguising, change our names and our looks.”

“That would be a great idea.” I agreed.

“No it wouldn’t. We’re famous the way we are now. We’re deadly. We should pick a name.”

“We haven’t killed anybody yet.”

“But they’re trying to kill us. It must be for a reason. And yes, we did kill.”

We all had our seats in the back of the plane. Anna and Adam sat together 2 rows behind us, and Carmen sat next to a stranger, right in front of us. James leaned over me and pulled the sidelight down. Over time we discovered that extreme light actually bothered us and put us in a very sensitive and irritating mood, so even on sunny days, we still wore dark clothes, hoods and long trousers; anything that kept the light away.

“You should get some rest or just relax a bit, I’ll wake you up when we arrive.” James comforted me and kissed my forehead.

“I want to stay awake with you.” I placed my head on his chest and sniffed with my nose in his T-shirt.

“I insist, my love.” He went down to my mouth for a full kiss. And I smiled like a little girl, who was kept safe in his hands, but who was at the same time, equally as powerful as he was, his right hand. I wanted to fall asleep, and I did so, because I believed him that he would take care of me. I trusted him and I wanted him. I loved him. And so I fell asleep with his warm lips undetached from my forehead.


“I’m going to call for a cab!” Adam said running towards a yellow van.

We arrived in New Orleans at lunch time. Nothing special happened on the way, beside the fact that Anna almost had a heart attack when the plane decided to land boisterously and all the staff overfed her with mild sedatives and calming words.

We were having an easy trip, as easy as it could be, because of the lack of luggage which could’ve slowed us down. I felt well rested and happy about the fact that James was also able to sleep, despite my noisy snoring, he said.

We all got into the cab and showed the driver the address on the coin. He looked at Carmen and then at me and James, got out and gave a call. When he got back in the car, he turned off the engine and locked the doors. Carmen tried compelling him, but nothing happened. After less than 5 minutes, a completely black van, with smoky windows parked behind us. James and I looked at each other terrified. Two men, who were in fact vampires, got out of the van and unlocked the cab’s door.

“Can you please get out of the car, miss?”

I reached for the handle and James snatched my hand back telling me not to go.

“I’m going to run away. When this guy is after me, you kill the other and the cab’s driver and run away as well. I promise I will be fine. I love you.”

“I love you too.”

I slowly got out of the car, stepping as far as possible from the tall vampire, but as I turned to run away from him, he was already in front of my eyes, holding me by my elbows with his hands. James stretched to get out and to fight the vampire that kept me immobilized, but the door behind him opened and he was pulled away from me.

“James!” I cried and the tall vampire shushed me.

“You don’t want to make a scene. I’ll make sure everybody in this airport knows what you are if you make any other move.”

Was I that intimidating when I confronted Aden? I was about to feel sorry for what I had done.

James and I were guided to the black van, while the others were still blocked in the cab. They tied our hands and legs, left us alone in the back and went back and do the same with the others.

“I’m sure this is Kain’s move. It couldn’t have been that easy. The whole underworld knows that we ran away from Patrick’s; and I am also pretty sure that Patrick was also the one to tell everybody. He brought everything into the open. I was such a fool for trusting him.”

“We still have time to kick vampire asses, you know?” James broke the ice.

I mustered a short laughter right before the two vampires got in and started driving.

I didn’t even have time to comprehend everything and we were already arriving at the destination. The cab followed us all the way there and everybody was completely alive. With my mouth opened in shock, I kept looking at James who was struggling to calm me down by smiling and nodding that everything was going to be alright. I saw Carmen, Anna and Adam getting out of the cab in the rear view mirror, looking not as terrified anymore. The tall vampire untied my hands and my legs and opened the door for me.

I couldn’t see much from behind the van’s blind windows, but when they let us out, I stood still, facing the most enormous gate that I’ve ever seen in my whole life and behind it, the most enormous castle. It was painted in blood’s colour, that burgundy kind of red, really gothic and with really high and pointy towers. But what I had actually seen was a really long lane formed by officers and many other tall and thin, perfect vampires. At the end of it, I saw the tallest and thinnest of them all, I saw the most handsome and the brightest of them all. I saw a white pale, dark pepper eyed and black liquorice haired, young man. I saw Kain Ianov kindly welcoming me into his kingdom.





i cant write my second one cause my laptop is broken.

Now it's time to enter The Wattpad Prize contest.

Wish me luck mates. <3

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