“Wait, what kind of power?” I was losing my patience.

“Powers such as compelling, telekinesis and all kinds of element power, but these are the basics. There have been true-born vampires who had powers such as resurrection, mind control, shape-shifting. These, my dear, are really powerful traits and because some of the vampires chose the wrong path, there’s always been a war between these two parts. Even if we’re all the same, the way we really are, differentiates us.”

This was so wrong; everything was questioned, no answer led to an end. Every question in my mind was being replaced with another one.

“I don’t know what to ask you first, Patrick. I can’t connect links! I can’t figure out anything!”

I started scratching under Patrick’s desk. He reached to grab both of my wrists and to calm me down. I didn’t even realize I had shifted.

With a calm voice and a comforting smile, Patrick let go of my hands and added:

“That’s because I didn’t tell you the whole story.”

I leaned on the back, closing my eyes, trying to stop my hands from shaking.

“Listen to me, this is not a rule. Nobody said that there are supposed to be 2 sides in this underworld. That’s what you have to know.”

“So it’s up to me.”

“It’s up to you and your powers. Sometimes they kind of deceive you, but you have to struggle and to hold the dyke against them.” Patrick said squeezing my cold hand in his.

I looked questionably at him. Did he think I would go crazy? I snatched my hands and jumped afoot.

Still with my face into the floor, I continued:

“Is it all about the powers?”

“The more special the power, the higher the rank.There is a mental maniac kind of vampire. A very spoiled child he is. His name is Kain Ianov and he is a true-born. He is the son of a great and important man, Nero Ianov. After his father died, 70 years ago, this little prick decided that this underworld is not fair for other vampires to live in. He made his own theory about how male vampires are automatically excluded from the leader’s chair. Only the true-born females are allowed to rule. He gathered as many adepts as he could, until he finally succeeded in separating us, while the only thing he wanted was unlimited power.”

“70 years ago you say, huh?”

“Are you even paying attention?”

I looked frowning at Patrick, blinked long and nodded positively.

“Everybody seems to have accommodated with this separation, right?” I asked, turning back and looking outside the window to see the same woman, stepping closer to me, but slowly fading away.

“Yeah, they did…” Patrick took out his lighter out of his pocket and started playing with it.

“Patrick?” I immediately became aware of some sort of danger that was coming from him. Instead of pushing the limits and confront him for more answers, I decided that was enough for that day and I should’ve left.

“I need to meet James, I just remembered. I’ll see you around later or tomorrow.”

Still with his head crowded in his chest he muttered an indistinctive goodbye.

I went outside and looked around for Noam. When I assured myself he wasn’t there, I started searching for the woman I saw earlier. I entered the woods, looked all over the training field and I didn’t find anything. In the end, still confused, I sat on the same log she sat, trying to figure out if I had met her before in my life. Everything was pointless because nothing reminded me of her. I laid down, giving up on trying to search my memories; instead I tried to link some things from what Patrick told me.

This guy, Kain, he wanted power so he could lead the underworld. But he wasn’t a true-born female vampire. If back when I was young, my mother was the only famous known true-born, she would have also been the leader. I closed my eyes and frowned when I realized the chances of my mother being killed by this egoistic, filthy savage. But I opened my eyes in excitement when I realized he was also my chance of finding my father. I stood up agitated by the thought of leaving Patrick as soon I got the chance, but even if I did, I would’ve had no chance against a kingdom of vampires.

I was just a man and I couldn’t have kept everything to myself. I had to talk to someone, to James. I couldn’t wait to tell him everything, but even if it took a load off my mind, I was still stuck here, with no path to start on. I still had so many questions, but something told me that I shouldn’t trust Patrick anymore. He was an old man, who knew too much. It was time that I kept some secrets for myself.


I'm taking part in a conteeeest! THE WATTPAD PRIZE

Pray guyz, praay v.v <3

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