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I rocked the carrier Rowdy was in with my socked foot putting him to sleep after feeding and burping him. Cody's grandmothers were still whispering to each other about us and Rowdy. I have over half a mind to ask them if they would like to share 'what's so interesting?' with the rest of them. I'm pretty sure it has something to do with Cody and I not being married.

Oh we did also decide to have a real ceremony near Christmas when both sides of our family could come. That should be enough time for Rowdy to be big enough to get out a little more. I glanced over at them once more before Cody nudged me. "Their old bitties. I already told my parents what the situation was before Rowdy was even born. Remember were legally bonded not matrimonial yet. You already have my last name." He reassured.

"They need to stop thinking the world is crazier than when they were children. It hasn't changed much and this was a different situation than what they went through." I said lowly. "Take Rowdy into the bedroom I told you use to be mine and set him on the bed in the middle. I'll take care of them." He said. And if they don't comply?" I asked. "It will be their fault that my parents won't be able to see their grandson at holidays. I doubt your dad would mind." He said.

I stood up and picked Rowdy up out of the carrier. I set the carrier out of the way and went to the bedroom. I could hear one of them say something along the lines of "you should have married Elizabeth when you had the chance." Then Cody firing back, "she would have cheated on me if I would have. It was your fault she had even met me. You thought she was a great Christian girl and it turned out she was screwing two guys at the same time."

I set Rowdy on the bed as he slept. He squirmed a bit before settling back down. I sat down in a roller chair at the desk seeing a photo book on top. I honestly hope he doesn't mind. I looked at the first page. It was of a man and woman in the hospital holding a baby. I flipped through the photos seeing the baby grow up in photo form. These are pretty stinking adorable. I then got to elementary, middle school, and finally high school. In several photos he was holding belt buckles, ribbons, and cash.

"Use to win it good around here." I jumped at the voice. He came over and stood behind me. "Do you want to know my favorite picture from this book?" He asked. I nodded. He kissed my cheek before flipping back towards the front. It was on the second page of the book. "What if we do something like this with our son for some first photos?" He asked. "Use your bull rope and have him on one of his blankets?" I asked.

He kissed my cheek. "And I know the right photographer for the job." He said. "Come on. We can use these to listen in on him." He showed me a baby monitor and the radio with it. He turned the monitor on then led me back to the living room. He set the radio on the table next to him and put an arm around me. "So when's the actual wedding?" His mom asked. "Closer to Christmas." He said.

"Any help needed for the dress?" She asked. "No. I've already got it. In fact I think we've got almost everything covered." I said. "Are you sure?" She asked. "Mom. I trust this girl with my life. We both picked out elements that we both like. I let her choose a dress for the day that she liked, we both chose the colors, decorations, and agreed on the location. Of course someone will be holding our son so he's taken care of. The bridesmaids and groomsmen have been selected. The outfits were picked out, everything is pretty much taken care of." He said.


I finished getting dressed for the big day. His mom honestly didn't like my dress selection but who honestly cares. It accommodates my breasts and body still being modest. It didn't take long as I could register when we were past cocktail hour an hour matrimonial married and he's spinning me on the dance floor. Then we had to dance with our parents. Me with my dad and him with his mom. "Did you have a good day sweetheart?" Dad asked. "Yes. I did." I told him. "That's good. How is Rowdy doing?" He asked.

I looked over to my son. He was asleep being held by a friend. "He's happy and growing." I said. "That's good to hear. He's going to need a checkup before New Years." He said. "I know dad. He'll get it." I said. "You look beautiful today just like your mother did when I married her." He said before letting Cody take me back.


When it was time to dance with my mom she kept trying to tell me how my own wife looked in the dress I think she looked stunning in. "Mom." She kept talking. "Mom. I'm tired of you and the rest of the women in the family saying how wrong it was. I know it was. The most important thing is that the little boy from it is happy, healthy, content and has two loving parents that are already taking care of him." I told her as the dance ended.

Went back to finish dancing with my wife. I looked over at her as she stood shocked. I'm not letting anyone tell me other than what I already know about her.

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