Cherry Cake

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Amara strode to the door once she heard the triple knock on her door. There was a spring in her step because she knew who was on the other side. She stopped at the door, her warm hand clasped on the cool brass knob. She hesitated to turn, closing her eyes and taking a deep inhale and quick exhale. She twisted the knob and pulled the door open. A smile grew on her face as she looked up at the familiar face with smiling azure eyes.

"Hi," Thor said grinning."I hope I'm not too early."

"No. You're right on time. Come in." Amara stood back, offering him an inviting gesture.

Thor stepped in. He stopped on the doormat, wiping his shoes on the welcome surface. He caught the whiff of spices in the heated air. He looked around. Her apartment was a mix of modern and ancient culture. Relaxing jazz music laced the air, giving Thor an inviting sense of comfort.

"So what do you think?"

Thor nodded, scanning the interior. "It's like a cozy museum."

"Cozy is not really a fine word to describe real estate."

Thor chuckled. "I think it's great. More intimate."

Amara winced. "That also comes with sharing with someone else."

"Where is Kate?"

"She's on her own venture."

"So what's on the menu?"

"I made vegan Caribbean paella with shrimp. One of my favorite dishes."

Thor licked his lips. "Mmm. Sounds good."

"And For dessert, I'm making Mary Berry's Cherry Cake."

"You watched the Great Baking Show again."

Amara glanced at Thor. "Did you hack into my Netflix account?"

Thor guffawed.

"I got started...with the cherries. I quartered cut them. I was hoping to get this done before you came but maybe it can be a fun duo project."

"Ah," Thor unbuttoned and rolled up his sleeves. "I'll be a young Paul Hollywood."

"And I'll be a age bent, race bent Mary Berry," Amara said in a chipper British accent that made Thor bellow.

A few steps and they were in the kitchen. All the ingredients were placed on the kitchen counter along with utensils and a pan. The cherries were in a glass bowl.

"I have to put some flour on the cherries so they won't sink."


Amara opened the flour canister and scooped flour out with a large spoon. She poured it and stirred until all the cherries were coated.

"Now let's make the cake."

Amara placed the measured amounts of flour, ground almond, caster sugar and butter in another bowl. She procured a spoon and proceeded to crack three large eggs.

"Don't you want to see if I can do the one hand crack like Paul?"

"Can you?"

Thor grabbed an egg out of the carton and cracked it on the bowl. The contents slipped through his fingers on the bowl. Amara stifled a laugh.

"The invitation was to also see me fail." Thor stepped to the sink to wash his messy fingers.

"Are you any good with zesting?"

"One of my many prowesses."

Amara handed him a lemon and grater. Thor grated the lemon skin over the mixed ingredients. Amara added the cherries, mixing all the contents together. Once she finished, she placed the mixture in the pan. Thor took a spatula and leveled it out in the pan. Amara inserted the pan in the preheated oven.

"How long will it take?"

"Thirty to thirty five minutes," Amara set the timer on her phone. "Now we have some time to make the icing."

She walked to the fridge and retrieved some lemons. "The icing sugar is by your left."

Thor looked down and saw the canister of sugar. Amara retrieved a bowl under the counter and placed it on top.

"Just pour some in there, please. Thank you."

Thor moderately shook the canister, carefully eyeing the amount while Amara sliced four large lemons in half. She grabbed a strainer and placed it over the bowl. Amara squeezed the lemon halves on the glass juicer.

"Is this the first time you made this?"

"This is the first time I suspect I'm going to do properly."

She poured the juice over the strainer, the pulp getting caught in the mesh. Once she finished, she stirred it until it was a good consistency.

"That looks about right."

She placed the spatula into the sink. When she wasn't looking, Thor stuck his finger into the mix and raised the bit to his mouth. The sweet and citrusy taste hit his palate. Amara looked at him and noticed his mischievous look.

"Bad Thor," she wagged his finger at him.

"Raw cake mix and icing are my weaknesses."

"Mine, too. I think I got into baking just to have raw cake mix because I actually like it better than the finished product." Amara wiped off a bit from the spatula and tasted it. She gave the spatula to Thor.

"Go crazy."

Thor snickered. Together they washed and cleaned up the instruments. Amara handed Thor the clean utensils who dried them with a towel. Amara looked at her phone. There was 29 minutes left.

"So we have some time before the cake's done. Would you like a tour of the abode?"

"I'd love one."

"Well, this is the kitchen," she said gesturing at their present space.

"Get out. I thought this was a modern library."

Amara laughed. They came out of the kitchen into the living room. Thor pointed to a painting.

"This is beautiful. Where'd you get it?"

"I purchased it from deviantArt, this mega social media platform for artists."


"The table statues and candlesticks I got from thrift stores and flea markets." She gestured to the objects. "Major penchant for antiques."

They walked into the cozy hallway. A little hall table stood against the pale wall. Two doors were on the left and one in front of them.

Amara pointed to the first door. "That's Kate's room." They walked to the second door. "This is the bathroom."

She opened the door, showing Thor the lavatory.

They left the bathroom. Amara led him to the last door.

"This is my room."

"I like it." Thor looked at her. "Very spacious."

"It is." She looked around. "It's very comfy." Absentmindedly, She raised her hand to her neck, her fingers rubbing her delicate throat. Her eyes sailed back to Thor, who had progressed a few steps closer.

Silence lingered as the eye exhange prolonged. Thor took in the in front of him. Her eyes gleamed in the light that streamed in the window. He observed her smooth deep complexion, her trailing fingers on her neck. He felt himself lean closer. A blaring alarm sound ripped through,  startling Thor. His head whipped around to the hallway then back at Amara, whose face was covering her smiling face.

"It's the alarm on my phone," she said trying to stifle her amusement.

The tension left as he exhaled. "Bloody Hell," he let out a relieved chuckle. 

Amara cleared her throat. "Looks like the cherry's ready."

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