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tyler refused to talk to brendon. he scheduled a dentist appointment for the boy without his permission. he told tyler that they were going out to get ice cream, but as they pulled into the dentist office, tyler pressing his face against the car window in disbelief, he realized that brendon was a liar. and liars don't deserve to get talked to.

the brunette crossed his arms over his chest and planted himself in the seat, refusing to get out of the car. brendon walked around to where tyler was sitting in the backseat, trying to reach around the boy to unbuckle him but it was no use. tyler began screaming and thrashing around in his seat, throwing a tantrum, although he would never admit it.

"tyler, if you don't stop i'll have the dentist come out here and bring you in themselves. you don't want that, right?"

tyler's screaming ceased and he grumpily unbuckled himself and his stuffed frog, tilly, stomping through the parking lot with the plush animal in his arms. the petite boy opened the door for himself but let it slam back on brendon because he had no sympathy for liars.

as soon as the little entered the office he was overwhelmed by all of the toys in the back corner, immediately running over to them and plopping himself on the ground. brendon checked him in and tyler continued to play, startling slightly when brendon sat down next to him.

"bubs, can you listen to me for a sec?" brendon asked, earning a hum of agreement from tyler. "i know you didn't like the last dentist i brought you to because you said he was a meanie, so i made your appointment with a different dentist, okay?"

"t'ank ya, brennie," tyler chirped, pressing buttons on a toy and watching in awe as it lit up.

"he normally works with kids but i was able to pull a few strings to get him to see you," brendon said, slinging an arm around tyler. the two sat like that for awhile, tyler in his own la-la-land as brendon listened out for his name to be called.

it was only a few minutes before they were being led back into the office, tyler holding tilly in a death grip as he sat down in the dentist chair. brendon was seated on a bench in the room, giving the petrified boy a thumbs up.

"tyler joseph, right?"

tyler's head shot up at the mention of his name, gaze landing on a man with wavy hair and soft eyes, a friendly smile playing at his lips.

"i'm ryan and i'm doctor dun's dental hygienist. i just have to go over some things with you before he comes in, okay?"

tyler hesitantly nodded, clutching tilly close to his chest as the chair was reclined back so he was lying down.

"can you open your mouth wide for me? let me see those pearly whites," ryan said and tyler complied after brendon gave him a stern look. tears began slipping down the little's face as soon as ryan began poking around at his teeth; not because it hurt, but more so because he knew he had cavities and the thought of that scared him.

"you can close again, hun. i'll go get doctor dun and we'll be right back in a minute."

tyler twiddled his fingers as he waited, humming the theme song for the magic school bus. it was his favorite show and he'd seen every episode at least three times.

the brunette's eyes darted towards the door as ryan walked in, the dentist trailing behind him. he was big and scary and tyler already didn't like him.

"i'm doctor dun," the man said, holding his hand out for tyler to shake, the boy just staring at it as he made a quiet hmph sound in opposition.

"bubs, shake his hand," brendon whispered and tyler pouted, lazily shaking the dentist's hand. the man cleared his throat and sat down on the swivel chair, clicking away at the computer. tyler tried to peer around him to see what he was looking at but doctor dun just turned the screen away.

"so i heard you have some cavities," he started and tyler burst into tears before he could even finish his statement. "woah, stop crying, that's not gonna help you with anything. i just want to see what's going on in there and i'll send you on your way. does that sound good?"

"m'guess so," tyler shrugged, sniffling a bit as he opened up his mouth so the dentist could look in it.

"that's a really cool frog y'got there," ryan said, trying to distract tyler. "what's its name?"

doctor dun sat back to allow tyler to speak, the small boy smiling at the mention of his stuffed animal.

"tilly," tyler giggled, successfully distracted and no longer thinking about his cavities. as the dentist kept poking around, tyler listened to ryan tell stories about his own stuffed animals that he had, amused and enthralled by the hygienist's words.

"and that's how i lost lambie at the airport," ryan concluded his final story just as doctor dun was finishing up. he set the chair so tyler was sitting upright once again, grinning and waving at brendon because he missed him in the short few minutes that he couldn't visibly see him.

"you have to schedule some appointments to get your cavities filled, but we can't do them all at once so it'll probably have to be three or four separate appointments." doctor dun took his gloves off and threw them in the trash clasping his hands together as he explained the instructions to tyler.

"until then i don't want you eating sweets and drinking too much juice, got it?"

tyler didn't get it, but he nodded anyway, jumping out of the chair and tugging brendon up.

"i didn't understand a thing he just said." he stood on his tippy-toes and whispered as quietly as possible (which wasn't very quietly). brendon chuckled and grabbed tyler's hand following ryan into the reception area.

"you can schedule the appointments here, and if it's okay with you i'll bring tyler to go get a prize," ryan spoke, tyler beaming at the mention of a prize.

"go get a prize, ty," brendon encouraged and the freckled boy gasped excitedly, walking with ryan to the prize bucket. his eyes flickered across all of his options, not sure what to pick.

"you can get two if you want," ryan mumbled. "it'll be our little secret."

tyler sifted through the bucket, ultimately deciding on a temporary tattoo of a kitten and a sticker of baymax. he was happy with what he chose.

"good choices," ryan smiled as he led tyler back to brendon.

"bren, look!"

"when we get home do you want me to help you put that tattoo on?" brendon asked and the boy nodded, latching onto the dark haired man once more as they made their way out of the office.

"i'll see you soon!" ryan called out before they left and tyler was sure of one thing. he liked ryan. but doctor dun... not so much.

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