1•Running Through Choices

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3rd POV.

You opened your eyes and found yourself standing, in a place full of nothing. Nothing, but black and an endless void of emptiness.

You started walking slowly, afraid of every step that you make makes a rippling sound-like of water. It was like the ground was made of water but instead of falling down the water, you were walking on it.

And then you heard it, a faint voice calling out to you.

You can't clearly understand what it keeps on saying except for your name.

You wanted to go back, afraid something bad might happen. But then it called out again, a bit louder than the first...

"pLeaSse ...hHelp.. us,... y-Y/N.."

Now you were even more scared. Someone is calling you out for help. A part of you wanted to turn around, leave and scream 'NOPE!' then run faster than the Flash would but the other part of you wanted to go towards the voice and help them.

You screamed, 'F*ck it!', pushing aside all the fear that you have and decided to become a hero for once than be a helpless idiot of a coward.

The more you ran towards the voice, the louder it gets. The more clearer you can understand the words it was saying.

"-hElp us, y-Y/N." It kept on calling again but this it seems that the voice multiplied.

Now you're sure that the first time you got here, you heard a voice. But...now that you're closer to reaching the owner of the voice is, you were wondering or you just realized that.... there were more than one people are calling out for your help.

You were getting more closer. You pushed your legs to go even faster. You wondered, you have nothing with you. What would you do to help them? What could they possibly need from you, that you don't have..?

You were running like there was no tomorrow. If only you took your P.E classes more seriously, then you'll have no problem running without heaving and sweating like a fat person would.

You were so close to getting there...






But then...... it stopped.

The voices who were calling out to you, are all gone. Like nothing was heard in the first place.

You were sure that you're not hallucinating at all. You definitely heard their voices. Whoever they are, they really need your help.

You still continued forward. Not looking back. 'I have to find them.' You told yourself. 'I have to finish what I came for.'

And then you did. You still kept on running, no turning back. It was your choice, your decision and your life. No one can stop you.

There you ran off, deep in the black void. You didn't notice the pair of eyes watching you from afar with a grin filled with venom and eyes darker than the void you were in. A figure stood up, its hand behind its back. Watching you ran and ran.

The figure chuckled darkly.

"Interesting choice, Ms. Y/N. You made a smart a decision but a foolish move.... Let's see how far you fall down the rabbit's hole you go."

It grinned then laughed maniacally, more malicious....more sadistic. It turned around and started walking. Then it was surrounded by its dark aura. And just like the voices you heard a while ago...

It was gone.

Your POV

I opened my eyes and sat up from the bed. Sweat pouring down my forehead and arms. I must have got a really bad dream last night.

Damn it! This is what I get for watching three Insidious movie alone at night.

Welp. So much for having a nice sleep.

🎶All the way! All the way~!🎶

And there goes my wake up alarm. 'Ain't just Jack's voice a nice way to wake up to?' I sarcastically said. Now don't get me wrong, I love Jacksepticeye's voice but this loud......

I looked at my alarm clock on the table and my eyes widening at the time and day.



*stares at you all then waves awkwardly* OH, HAI THERE PERSON! :3

(I'm an idiot I know. And an awkward potato. FEAR ME!Muahahaha)

Ahem, ahem. Alright i'll stop. So I started, a new story. Yay! Don't worry i'm updating the others too. I just don't want to publish them. I want to finish it first before publishing all of it.

I love YOUTUBERS. I hope you guys would like it too. I haven't saw anyone yet with an interesting and more understandable story about a Youtube High School story. So I wanted to do one with my own.

Don't worry! This story would totally be a lot more different, in terms with the plot itself. I already planned out the twist and what's gonna happen to the story. Especially, you, the main character of this story.



Comment, vote, follow? I'll see you guys on the next update. Buh-bye!

*cool outro song plays*

YouTube High (A YouTuber x Reader Fanfic)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें