Chapter 3

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A/N- Please vote, comment, and share this story!!!!!! It would mean a lot. I encourage you to point out any grammar/punctuation errors. I hope you enjoy it!!!!! Please follow me!!

First POV 

I looked up, startled, when I heard a branch break. 

Standing about ten feet away from me was a man in a trench coat. 

Because of the dark, I could only tell that he had black hair, but his eyes stuck out. A brilliant shade of blue. They were captivating. I felt myself get lost in them for a second before I realized that I didn't know this man. 

My thoughts immediately jumped back to about fifteen minutes ago. 

I pushed myself against the tree as much as possible. I felt the bark dig into my skin through the thin shirt I was wearing. I couldn't get up and run no matter how much I wanted to. 

He stood still, studying me as I watched him in fear. He took a few steps closer and my mouth took over my brain. 

"P-please don't h-hurt m-me." 

He stopped moving and his head tilted to the side an obvious sign of confusion. 

"I'm not going to hurt you," he said, his voice monotone. 

He started stepping closer, I continued to push myself into the tree almost hoping that somehow I would blend in and he would forget about me. 

I watched, terrified as he continued to step towards me slowly. My heart was pounding in my chest and my body just won't stop shaking, half from fear and half from freezing. The fear took over once again and I squeezed my eyes shut and buried my face in my knees. 

I heard him continue to get closer. 

I stilled in shock when I felt his arms wrap around me gently followed by something soft and warm. 

I finally looked up to see black wings surrounding me. I shoved the questions to the back of my mind. Finally realizing that this man meant no harm to me, I sank into the embrace. I leaned my head on his shoulder and allowed his arms and wings to tighten around me. I sighed, happy to be warm, but I knew that I was fading. 

The blood loss was too much. 

He moved me so I was sitting on his knees sideways. My legs were laid out but he had a hand on my back keeping me up. 

I watched with half-lidded eyes as his hand rose and went to my forehead. He placed two fingers on my forehead and I felt a comforting warmth spread through me. I no longer felt the need to pass out. I was exhausted and still pretty terrified, but otherwise felt fine. My muscles weren't even sore from the run. 

I leaned back on his shoulder, wondering what the hell just happened but I was too tired to ask questions. 

He stood, carrying me, one arm around my back, the other under my knees. He turned around and began to walk. 

I could still feel the warmth radiating from him. His beautiful wings were still partially around me providing even more warmth and a sense of protection. My eyes kept closing in exhaustion but I wouldn't let myself sleep.

"Wh-what's your name?" I asked. 

He looked down at me before looking back up. 


"You're an angel." 

He nodded. 

At this point, I was too tired to freak out at the fact that an angel was carrying me. 

Yes, I know about angels. My mom told me never to talk to one. There was a good reason to. 

"My name's Hope by the way." 

I looked up to see him nod, but he did nothing else. 

I was so tired but there was still an underlying fear of being harmed again. Castiel looked down at me but continued walking. 

"Get some rest, Hope. Nothing is going to happen. I'll keep you safe." 

The look he was giving me was full of confidence and I didn't even second guess his words. I simply nodded and snuggled into him, finally closing my eyes. 

It was only seconds before I fell asleep to the warmth and softness surrounding me and the gentle rocking as he walked. 

Sam's POV

After Cas left to find the woman Dean and I walked back to the bunker. Not before hiding the werewolf's body of course. 

We had just made it to the bunker, changed our clothes, and sat down at the table with the map when Cas appeared holding the woman in his arms. She was sound asleep, her injuries already healed. 

"What took you so long? I thought you would've popped in, put her to sleep, and brought her to us," Dean said. 

Cas glared at him, as did I. 

"She was frightened beyond belief, Dean. I had to calm her down before I could even get near her. I also walked most of the way back. I didn't want to scare her even more by just randomly appearing in a different place," he explained. 

"Good call, Cas," I told him. 

He nodded towards me, a silent thanks. 

With that, he walked down the hall, the woman still in his arms. I followed him back to his room. 

He opened the door and set her down on the bed, pulling the covers over her. He continued to look over her but started to talk. 

"She can stay in my room as long as she likes. I trust that you'll take care of her?" 

I nodded. 

"Of course. What's her name anyway?" 


"Hmm, pretty name." 

"It certainly is, isn't it. Perfect for someone whose soul is so bright." 


He nodded. 

"Her soul...I've never seen anything like it." 

I had no idea what to say. If it was even brighter than Dean's? Wow. 

"She knew I was an angel." 

"Well, yeah. You healed her and I saw your wings wrapped around her as well. It's kind of a giveaway." 

"No, that's not it. It sounded like she's always known about angels. Do you think she's a hunter?" 

"If she was she would've killed that werewolf and she wouldn't have been as afraid." 

To Be Continued...

A/N- Thanks for reading!!!! I hope you liked it! And if you did, maybe you could check out some of my other stories? (Specifically, my original Crush From Afar and two Harry Styles fanfics Meet and Greet and I Really Don't Care.) Don't forget to vote and comment!!!!!!! Let me know what you think!!!!

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