•//11//• Dreams, Dresses and Demons

Start from the beginning

"I-ryan it was ryan-they t-took him.." y/n said speaking softly more tears forming in her eyes

"Ryan's in his bunk he's fine I promise- and who took him?" I asked softly

She looked down at her lap "d-death- they t-took him" she said weakly

I pulled her into another hug "I'm sorry y/n- Ryan's here he's fine I promise no one will take him away from you.... get some sleep, tomorrow's a big day" I said trying my bets to help honestly I'm not very good at helping in these situations

Y/n nodded and slowly laid down I pulled her close and her breathe soon soaked and she was asleep.


I woke up- thanks to ryan who screamed 'we are going to be late!' I shot up and glared at Ryan who only laughed I looked over and y/n was gone "where y/n?" I asked

"Her and Jenna left about a hour ago she said she'd text you" ryan said shrugging

I nodded and got up and got ready- ALL of us guys piled in a van Dallon drove, me Tyler and Ryan in one row then josh and Spencer behind us

"Hey Tyler, Ryan I kinda need help with something..." I said referring to y/n last night

"What's up" Tyler asked ryan nodding

"Last night y/n woke up crying- she said that they took ryan away I asked who 'they' are and she just said death and I don't know what to do or anything" I said signing, I asked Tyler since he'd have felt with his inner demons a lot so he'd know

Ryan looked straight forward, unlike Tyler who looked deep in thought "well for me at least- that'd mean it's a like a last memory that's like re creating itself in her mind not intentionally" Tyler said

That made sense y/n's parents had only recently passed away so it could be her mind recreating that with ryan- "no. This has happened before- it happened before she went into her depression" ryan said sighing- no she can't be depressed again.
She needs to be happy

"But as long as we distract her from it she could pass through it" Tyler almost asked Ryan nodded okay good that's good- she's with Jenna she can distract her. We pulled into the fitting place and I thanked the boys then we went inside

Y/n's point of view- brought to you by my kitchen sink

I felt someone whispering in my ear gently shaking me- I opened my tired eyes to be met with Jenna who was already dressed. I sighed and slowly and carefully got up trying my best to not wake Brendon witch I succeeded in

I went to the small closet and grabbed some skinny jeans and a black tang top and a kimono Tyler gave me, I brushed my hair and didn't bother to put makeup on considering Jenna would only do it over later

Once I was ready me and Jenna got into one of vans and went to our first stop nails, Jenna said she'd pay for this so I'd pay for hair, we finished our nails pretty quickly we both got the same things pretty much -sorry I don't get nails done-

It was about noon when we left the nail salon now off to our next stop hair salon. Me and Jenna jammed out to I write sins not tragedies in the van in honor of the awards- or for our on amusement but who cares

We got to the hair salon witch I paid for, Jenna got her hair cut and curled, her hair was now at her shoulders, I kept mine the same length and curled the tips of my hair. That took a hour or so we had to get to the award show by 6

We got back in the van and checked the time 2:30 good. Jenna drove us to a really fancy dress shop, Jenna immediately picked out a dress for me to try on, we picked a lot for each other after about a hour Jenna had hers picked. She picked a black long dress with pink roses on it. She looked amazing in it

"Okay y/n what color are we thinking!" Jenna asked eager to help me

"I don't know" I said shrugging

Jenna's face lit up as she took out her phone, she smiled as it beeped "Brendon's wearing white so something light!" Jenna exclaimed pulling me to the racks of dresses, I swear we spent forever looking until Jenna pulled out a light blue dress with straps that were on the sides of the shoulders she handed it to me and practically shoved me in the dressing room

I tried on the dress and- wow I didn't even recognize myself Jenna is a magician when it come to this stuff, I walked out of the dressing room Jenna smiled and looked like she's explode "that's the one Brendon will love it!" Jenna practically screamed

I agreed and changed out of the dress, me and Jenna paid for our own dresses witch weren't too bad considering we're in Hollywood for hecks sake

We quickly went back to the bus the guys were already headed to the show since they were farther away, me and Jenna changed into our dresses and she quickly did her makeup then mine, we took one last look at ourselves, then of course Jenna's favorite some cute couple pictures

We got back and drove down to the venue the show was as our car was greeted by Brendon and Tyler anxiously waiting, me and Jenna laughed then got out of the car, Brendon smiled huge and jaw dropped as he walked up to me "damn- you look amazing" he exclaimed I smiled and thanked him

I took Brendon's arm then ryan came and had to be a brother "okay Brendon she's here in a dress lookin all pretty but young man know your limits okay" ryan said obnoxiously

"Yes Ryan I know" Brendon said rolling his eyes playfully as we made our way to the dreaded red carpet as Brendon calls it

A/n- award show next chapter it's gonna bee goooooood

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