Chapter 1

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A/N- Cover made by . This cover is absolutely amazing!! Thank you so much!!

Please vote, comment, and share this story!!!!!! It would mean a lot. I encourage you to point out any grammar/punctuation errors. I do not own Supernatural!!!!!! I hope you enjoy it!!!!! Please follow me!! 

"Oh come on! Not now!" 

My car just broke down. 

In the middle of nowhere. 

The road is surrounded by trees and forest and no one's around. I pull out my phone and, just my luck, there's no cell service. 

Just great. 

This is perfect, not to mention that it's dark out. The moon is out and it's providing just enough light to see the road. 

I look around frantically for anything that could help me, but nothing is around. It's completely barren of cars and people. 

I get back into my car and sit there, hoping someone would come around, but no one does. 

I have no idea what to do. I'm starting to get scared as well. 

Who wouldn't? 

I'm all alone in the woods at night with a broken down car and no cell service. 

Finally getting tired of sitting there, I decided to walk along the road and see if I can find something. Maybe a gas station or a rest stop, anything. 

I walk along the road, continually chanting in my head that I will find something. 

Oh, did I mention it was freezing out and I didn't have a jacket? 

Yup, I was using the heat in my car. 

Shivering, I continue walking along the road. The longer I walk the creepier I feel. 

I turn around sharply looking behind me. I swear I heard something. I don't see anything, so I continue walking, even more creeped out. 

I hear something again and turn, but nothing's there. 

I turn around the corner and the road turns straight. I take in my surroundings and am pleased to see what looks like a door to a building. Maybe someone's there and I can get help. 

I start jogging towards the door so happy that I might be saved. I'm still a good ways from the door when I hear a definite growl. 

I turn around to see a man behind me. I sigh in relief and walk closer to him. 

"Oh my goodness! I'm so glad that someone's here. Is this your place behind me? My car broke down a little ways down the road and I could really use your help." 

As I step closer to the man more of his features are coming out. 

Wow, he's really hairy. 

I finally come to a stop a little in front of him. I mean, yes he's here and could help me, but I don't know him. 

He finally responds to my frightened babbling, but instead of words, it's a growl. His growl frightens me beyond belief and before I knew it, he's jumping towards me. 

I scream in fear, knowing this won't end good and start running down the road. Maybe that isn't his place. 

I need help.

I continue running, but he's way faster than me and easily catches up. He knocks me to the ground and I fall face first, my face hitting the ground hard. I feel my nose crack and blood starts to pour from it. 

I lift my foot up towards my stomach and kick it back out, effectively hitting him in the face. He howls like a wolf in pain and I quickly jump up running to the door once again. 

The guy jumps up just as quickly and runs after me again. He just won't give up. 

At this point, fear and adrenaline are rushing through my system, tears streaming down my face at the inevitable. I'm going to die. 

I feel his hand grab my side and I feel sharp nails digging into my skin. I can feel blood running down my stomach from where he gripped. He uses the grip to pull me back and lose my balance. I try to get out of the grip, losing my balance even more and landing on my back instead. 

I try to back away but he grabs my leg with strength keeping me from moving. His nails dig into my skin again, but he pulls them down my leg, scratching it all up. The blood from my body quickly rises up and out of the wound. 

Screaming in pain, I call for help, knowing no one could hear me. He slowly crawls up my body until he's hovering over me. I punch him, only making him growl. His hand quickly grabs my wrists and pins them above my head with one hand. 

I watch with horror and thrash around as he pulls back his hand, makes a fist, and punches me square in the face. My already messed up nose cracks again and this time I know it was broken. More blood pours out of it and I scream. 

I finally get an idea in my head and knee him in the crotch. He grabs his privates and howls in pain once again. I jump back up heading for the door once again, but I'm still at least fifty yards away from it. 

I'm tackled once more before I give up and know I'm done for. 

Sam's POV 

"So get this-" I was effectively cut off from telling Dean about the new case I found when the warning signal sounds from the computer room. 

Dean looks up from cleaning his gun and raises his eyebrow in question. We both get up and head to the computer room to check the cameras. 

Once we get there the sight immediately sends my brain into hunter mode. 

About fifty feet away from the door a woman around our age is being attacked. 

I look over to Dean to see him in hunter mode too. Just by looking at it we could tell it was a supernatural creature. 

I wrack my brain through all of the monsters we know of and quickly come up with an answer. 


Dean looks away from the camera and nods with a grim face. 

"Hurry, she doesn't look like she has much time left."

I quickly grab my gun and silver bullets, also grabbing a silver knife and run towards the door. Dean meets me there seconds later and throws the door open racing outside to the woman. 

I follow.

To Be Continued...

A/N- Thanks for reading!!!! I hope you liked it! And if you did, maybe you could check out some of my other stories? (Specifically, my original Crush From Afar and my two Harry Styles fanfics Meet and Greet and I Really Don't Care.)  Don't forget to vote and comment!!!!!!! Let me know what you think!!!!

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