Fall For You

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A Missing Moment in Season 3-Episode 13: Not For Nothing

"I can't feel my legs!" Tara finally cries out, and Christian can feel his heart clenching as he shares glances with his friends. Kat nods to him. Even though the blonde isn't physically speaking, Christian gets her message loud and clear.

Talk to her to her, her eyes are saying, calm her down. She'll listen to you more than any of us.

While Christian wants to argue, he can't, because he knows she's right. He's the only one who can get through to Tara when she is like this. Another desperate cry of, "I can't feel my legs," from the brunette breaks the skater out of his trance. He nods to the others to let them know, he has this under control.

Bending over, he places a kiss right above where her eyebrows come together. It was always his favorite place to kiss her (besides her lips) because when she wasn't expecting it, her eyebrows crinkled in the most adorable way. (Not that Christian would admit that to anyone, but her)

For a moment, the skater is aware of all the eyes in the audience are watching him, and his personal display of affection. He was never one for being affectionate in public. But one look into Tara's eyes has the crowd disappearing, fading into the distant background. She is still crying; her tears leaving staining trails down her cheeks, but now, her big brown beautiful eyes are focused on him. Her loud sobs are now quiet whimpers. Now he just needed to keep it that way.

As he rubs her tears away from her face, he leans over, so his lips are level with her ear.

"Shh," he soothes gently, "Shh. It'll be okay. Just calm down. Focus on me. It'll be alright."

She whimpers in response, but her eyes don't leave his. He tries for a smile. But he knows it not working, by the way, she sobs at this. This action has him putting his mouth to her ear again. "Shhh. Training Bra. Shhh. Focus on me, not the pain. The ambulance will be here any minute. Just focus on me."

He reaches over and grips her small hand in her larger one. Squeezing her hand, he feels as she squeezes back. Weakly. But still, it's a squeeze.

Soon, Dr. Wicks is there. She kneels down as she tries to usher them away.

"No, Christian," Tara said, her hand that is holding his, tightens feebly around his wrist when the skater tries to let go. He forces a smirk onto his face as he kneels back down to the ground.

"I love you Training Bra. You know that, but not enough to walk around a hospital like this." He jokes lightly while gesturing to his costume. The truth was he would walk to the ends of the Earth in his Prince Charming costume if it would distract the brunette in front of him.

His joke works, he can tell by the weak smile that makes itself present on her lips.

"Not true," she declares as best she can, and Christian places his lips to her forehead again. "Good girl. You know the truth."

"Ride with me to the hospital." She responds. At her request the skater looks to the doctor. He knows riding in the ambulance is for family only.

"Go get dressed and be quick about it. I'll work something out with the paramedics." She says, and Christian nods. He presses another ghost of a kiss to the brunette's forehead. "I'll be right back." He promises her before he ambles down the hallway, back to the dressing rooms.

"Dr. Wicks finally pull you away?" Ollie questions as Christian changes from his tights to his jeans. Christian shakes his head, now peeling off his Prince Charming vest and shirt. The skater changes into his regular shirt, "I'm riding in the ambulance with Tara."

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