~•Part 11•~

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Your POV
Me,Harry,Uma,and Gil were planning a double date at the beach at the Isle. Surprisingly it was pretty because it was the best spot there in the Isle. You were change and you headed outside were you saw Uma in a Teal and purple bikini and Gil in some leather trunks. Harry stared at you with his mouth open. He was wearing some red trunks as well. He had a skull shirt and well you got things started at the beach. But all fun has to come to an end because The old VKs walk into the beach with Evie being with Mal and Jay staring at you. You could've sworn Harry had growled at him. You felt your face be pointed to Harry and he kiss you. It wasn't a lil kiss but a strong and very passionate one you felt your face get A Crimson Red. Jay look super jealous and Well there came out Katie wearing at snow white looking bikini and You knew she was trying to get really close to Harry and have Her chance to steal your man away from you. You knew you would forgive Harry really easy if SHE did the move but if he cheated on you, you'd be mad and sad. But you truly love him and only him Not Jay or Micheal but him. The party was good until you noticed Katie was flirting with Harry having her arms around him but he pushed her off of him. She screamed "Fine YOU WILL LEARN TO LOVE ME AND ONLY ME!" And ran off crying. Harry came up to me and gave me a hug and started saying I'm sorry over and over again and again. I said Harry it's fine you pushed off things could of went worst she could've of kissed you for god sakes. You honestly were happy he said that you know that. You into the water when suddenly your realized you can't...

Hehhe another cliffhanger‼️😑 Author Chan is evil! Well I might have a rough schedule so if you see I'm online I'm taking a break from whatever I did I have band and I am on a volleyball team so I will try my very best to update and I have school as well so it's gonna be tough be I can do it!
-scribbles ❤️✏️

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