Chapter Sixteen

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Roman's POV

I went to the kitchen after I left Thomas filming his video.
I had to apologise for my behaviour and so I did. He insisted on me talking to Anxiety, as if that was going to happen.

I grabbed a coke knowing that I probably shouldn't, that thing made the stomach bloat and I could lose my abs.
I opened it anyway and closed the fridge. When I turned around I almost had a heart attack.

"Logan, don't sneak on me!" I exclaimed putting a hand on my chest. "I could have had a heart attack! I could have dropped coke on my clothes!" I complained shaking my head at his not interest on my well being.

"We need to talk." He said seriously. I raised my brows at him.


"Anxiety." I rolled my eyes. I should have expected this.

"I'm not going to apologise for beating your boyfriend's ass, he deserved it, he-" I stopped my tongue, I didn't want to make this any messier. "I just won't." Logic sighed at my words, he seemed quite afflicted.

"This is what I'm going to talk about. Anxiety's not my boyfriend nor he'll ever be. I don't have feelings for him and he doesn't have feelings for me." He said calmly. "And the fact that you went straight to violence proves that you are nothing but a savage." He accused me.

"I'm not stupid, Logan. I saw you two... kissing." I finished the sentence holding up some vomit.

"Yes you did and I have an explanation for that. It was, in fact, my fault, not Anxiety's." I was about to answer but he stopped me. "I kissed him, he didn't kiss me first or kissed me back for what is worth."
I opened my mouth a couple of times trying to say something but my brain wasn't cooperating, totally confused by his words.
"See I made a mistake and now Anxiety's paying the price of it which I find very much both unfortunate and unfair.
"I needed prove on something and I used Anxiety to make a... an experiment let's call it that.
"What I did was wrong and I know but at least it worked. Now I could reach the success of this experiment but you decided to be a hero and ruin it." He grew angrier as he spoke, something that never happened before. Logan has always been aloof, even when talking about matters that involved him in any way.

"I don't understand." I made a pause. "What kind of experiment involves kissing people?" I frowned.

"I told you, I didn't really think it through before doing it, I didn't even ask Anxiety's permission which was wrong, but as I said before, it worked." He explained returning to his calm voice.

"What worked, what were you trying to prove?"

He sighed heavily. "Isn't it obvious?" I looked at him annoyed mumbling an obviously not and he started explaining.

After Logan's explanation I was even more confused than before, what human or personality with common sense would ever think that something like that would work.
I was sitting on the kitchen's table, not sure about how I felt about it.
If what Logic said was right then I ruined everything, not only that but I punched Anxiety and he didn't deserved it.
I felt my chest getting heavier and a strange feeling in my guts.

"I'm not expert." Logan began. "But I would say you feel guilty about hitting him." I rolled my eyes.

"Nice work, mr obvious."

"My name is not obvious." He stated. I didn't even bother to answer. "You need to talk to Morality."

"Me? Why me?"

"You started all of this and he won't listen to me or Anxiety. You got in his head the idea of Anxiety and me being a couple now is up to you to destroy it." I bit my bottom lip, I knew he was right but I felt so bad about this whole thing. I made things only worst for everyone.
I nodded.

"Fine, fine. I'll talk to him but you will have to talk to him too. Tell him how you feel." I saw him struggle at the idea. "Logan I know is not easy for you but this whole thing could have been avoided if only you'd have had the guts to say it out loud."

"But I-"

"I know what you're gonna say, you didn't know if you could have feelings for him but we both know that's absurd! You are not a robot even if you insist on behaving like one.
"You are capable of feeling love, hate and every other feeling that exists, but you are afraid and try to hide it."
There was silence after I "accused" him but someone had to. Logan was always bragging about how smart he was but most of the time he would act like a child.

"What should I say?" Apparently he was going to ignore what I said to him. I didn't expect him to answer anyway.

"That's for you to figure out. You say what you feel, he'll give you a hand anyway, you know how Morality is." I tried to reassure him. He nodded.
"Logan?" He made a noise to let me know he was listening. "I'm sorry I made everything more difficult."

He shrugged. "What is life without a bit of action, right?" I chuckled.

"If you think that is action you should come to watch me slay that dragon witch. That's the real action." I said proudly.
I've been arranging that expedition for months and I admit I would bring it up every time I had the opportunity.
He rolled his eyes.

"Chances are you'll get yourself killed." He answered but I ignored his negativity.

"That, my nerd friend, is because you have never seen me fight. You would be amused and amazed. You would be a fan as everyone else is." I saw him rolling his eyes right before he left the room and I smirked.

It's me again and I'm sorry this took so long but school is killing me and I barely have time to breathe.
Anyway I hope you like this and since I can't sleep I'm gonna try to write a couple more chapters so I can have them ready, not promising tho.
And thank you for being all so kind and nice to me every time I felt like this book or myself wasn't worth of your time, you guys are amazing.
Hopefully see you soon! Peace out.

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