I growl at her. "You brought it up, and so now you have to tell me!"

"It isn't that easy!" She snaps. "I mean it is, but in a way it would be easier if I could let you know without telling you." She sighs.

"Then why don't you show me." I watch her spin around to face me and she looks shocked. "W-what did you say?" She stammers.

"I said show me." Glinda stands there staring at me dumbfounded, and I continue. "Glinda, you said we were lovers, and we did more than kiss, but I am not entirely sure I get what you mean." There is a part me that keeps telling me I knew exactly what she meant, and yet at the same time I am clueless. "I want to know and understand what you mean." I stand and take her hand, looking her straight in the eyes, and give her a small smile reassuring smile. "It's okay, you can show me."

Glinda is quiet again for a few minutes, and I can tell she is thinking because she is biting the corner of her bottom lip. She final looks at me again. "I think I know a way for you to know what we did, and that won't make it as stressful," she sounds hesitant, "for you or me."

"Okay. What is it?"

"Follow me." She says taking my hand and leading me back through the garden. I notice we are heading towards her parent's house. "Um, Glinda, where are we going?"

"To my old room." She says like it's no big deal, and I stop suddenly causing her to almost fall, as she still had ahold of my hand. "Elphie?" She looks at me after she regains her balance. "Why are you stopping?"

"I am not suppose to go to your parents house." I say not moving. "Your father told me stay away from the house."

"Nonsense!" She says grabbing my hand again and starts to move towards the house again. "You are with me, and therefore you can come in. Besides, Popsicle isn't here today. He had to go to the next town over for a meeting." With that I reluctantly start to follow her.

When we get to her room she closes the door, and goes over to her closet. "Go ahead and make yourself comfortable." She says sounding a bit muffled, and I take a seat on her bed. "Ah! Here it is!" She says coming out with a box, takes a seat on the bed next to me, and hands me the box. "Here."

"A box?" I look at it then her. "What's in it?"

"Open it up, and find out." She laughs. I look at the box a bit skeptical, but I open it. Inside there are a few book and what looks like a journal. I look at her quizzically. "Books?" She sighs and reaches over taking the journal out. "You left these behind at Shiz when you... when you left."

"Oh." I am not sure what to say, and after a moment I clear my throat. "So... what does this have to do with what we did as lovers?"

"Oh right. Let me have it." Glinda says, and I hand it to her. I watch as she flips through the pages carefully, and after a moment she hands it back. "Read this entry." She says handing the journal back to me.

"Glinda, I-"

"Just read it, Elphaba." She used my full name. That must mean I better do as she says, and so I lean back and start to read.

Dear Diary,

I just had one of, no the most magical night ever! It was rather cold last night because of the snowstorm, and we couldn't get warm. I had told her that I had read the best way for two people to keep warm was skin on skin contact, and so we both stripped down and began to cuddle on her bed under her plethora of blankets.

"We cuddled in bed together... naked?" I say more as a question looking up from the diary. "Yes we did." She says nodding. "Keep reading."

Oz, feeling Glinda's pale, soft skin against mine felt so heavenly! Her hair smells of Gilikinees Roses. I am not sure what came over me, but I wanted to explore every bit of her body, and she must have read my mind because the next thing I knew she had rolled over to face me, and began kissing my neck. At one point she kissed her way down to my chest and licked my bre-

My head snaps up. "You licked me on my... my breast!" I say sounding a bit a panicked. She gives a small smirk. "You didn't mind it then." She says. "Keep reading."

I continue to read, and the more I read the bigger my eyes get. I can feel my face flushing, my head is reeling from from what I am reading. If it wasn't for the fact it was definitely my handwriting I would have thought it all a joke, but it wasn't.

I wish that last night could last forever, because for the first time ever I feel loved. Having Glinda as my roommate, and now lover is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Someday Diary, I will make Glinda my forever partner, and we never be apart. I love her so much.

Sadly I can't sit here and continue to write because we have classing in this afternoon, and that gives me just enough time to wake her up, and I believe she will not object to how I wake her!

So until next time,

~Elphaba (Elphie) Thropp

I slam the journal shut desperately trying to regain my composure. I stand quickly with the journal and head for the door.

"Elphie! Where are you talking that?"

"I'm going to burn it." I say matter a factly. She jumps up and quickly rushes over grabbing my arm trying to stop me. "You can't do that!" She says grabbing at the journal.

"It's my journal I can do whatever I want to it!" I say snatching it back and holding it up out of her reach, and she growls as she tries to jump for it. "Not anymore! It stopped being yours when you left it at Shiz, and took it to keep it from getting thrown away!"

"Possession is nine tenth of the law, and therefore the journal is mine again because I am holding it!" I start for the door again, and Glinda somehow manage to tackle me to the ground. We struggle for a bit and she gets the journal from me. "Ha!" She says. "It's mine again!"

I lay there with her sitting on my stomach something in me feels different. I like the closeness of her, but I panic. I glare at her. "Fine! Keep the journal, see if I care! Now get off me!" I growl shoving her off me so I can get up.

She gets off me and sits down on the floor beside me as I bring my knees up and hug the, resting my head on them. "Elphie?"


"Are... are you okay?" She asks quietly, and shrug. "Elphie, look at me." I turn my head to look at her. "I didn't show you this to frighten you. I showed you because I wanted you to know how close we really were. I loved you. I still love you, and I always will love you." I look away knowing that right now I don't have those same feelings for her, but I can't bare to tell her. "Elphie, I know we may never be together again as a couple, but no matter what, I will continue to always be your friend." She smiles as she turns my face towards hers again, and I give her a small one. She hugs me, and hands me the journal. "You should keep this. I mean, it is after all your journal."

"Glinda, I... I... thank you." I whisper and she hugs me. I feel a million different things inside, and yet I have no idea how to explain them or what they even are.

She lets me go and gets up. "Come on. Let's get going before Popsicle gets home." I nod and stand, and we head back to the cabin in silence. 

Finding Elphaba (Book 2 in Endless Love Trilogy)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora