Heh, you know, he was kinda cute, in a weird way.

Blue. Green. Orange. Yellow.


No, just cute full stop.

Honestly, Alice was beginning to wonder why she feared the big guy in the first place. Previously, her fear had ravaged through her mind, keeping her alert and frightened. Now, well, she wasn't sure where it had gone, it just seemed to have progressively faded over time.

Little did she know, of course, this was just the effect of Kenny's hypnotism slowly working its magic.


But Kenny knew. Oh did he ever. This time, when she had made the mistake of looking him in the eyes, bits of the same coloured rings had briefly flashed in her own eyes. This little strategy of his was working wonders!

He was beginning to grow impatient however; he desperately wanted to bring her under completely and snuggle her close into his chest, surrounded by the warm embrace of his coils. But, he suspected once she realised what was happening, all of his previous handiwork would've been for nothing.

Kenny wasn't in the habit of putting people in trances against their will but if he could subliminally change her mind, well, that'd be okay. And he felt a trance was necessary. Beforehand, she was moments from running from him and if she did that, well, there were much nastier things out there waiting for her. It was up to Kenny to keep her safe and eventually get her home... Even if he had to bite back each urge to complete his hypnotic spell.

Slowly, he reminded himself, slowly.

"Wait, really? You can get me home?" She seemed a little bit too excited to leave his wonderful company. Ouch.

"But of course! I'd be honoured to help such a famous adventurer like yourself!" Oh yes. So famous.

"Oh my goodness, Kenny! I'd be in your debt! Let's start heading there now, my family's probably worried sick over me! Oh, wait till I tell them--"

Kenny cringed. "Buuuuut..." She wouldn't like this next part, he was sure. "Not tonight."

"What?" Yup, she didn't like that. "What do you mean 'not tonight'?"

"Weeeell, three reasons." He tried to speak like his old scientist friend who studied him in the past, hoping it would convince her further. "Number one, I need to sleep. Ya did interrupt my sleep schedule, after all and I've had a rather looooong day." As if to prove his point further, he yawned, and he was glad to see her yawn in response too. She was starting to get tired, another effect of the hypnosis. It was a good sign!

"Number two, as you're probably aware, there are looooots of dangerous predators out here. A lot of which are nocturnal. And though I can probably handle most of them," he not-so-inconspicuously flexed his muscles, "For reason number one, I'd rather not. And, the most important reason!" He leaned closer, catching her gaze once more. His eyes flashed their magnificent spirals, staring at her for much longer now. "You need ressssssst..."

He let her go again and handed her the map, as if nothing even happened. But he noticed the coloured rings in her eyes appearing much more vividly that time. Soon, oh so soon, he'd finally get the cuddles he was looking for.

Naga!Kenny - Comforting CuddlesWhere stories live. Discover now