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Omake one:

From Another Wednesday

"Don't be so crude."

Haruka laughed loudly, "You're thinking the same thing too!"

Michiru giggled, "Perhaps they are a bit big."

"A bit?!"

The violinist bumped her shoulder into Haruka's. The blonde raised an eyebrow and bumped her back. Michiru glanced up, smiling at her lover. "What are you thinking?"

Haruka's eyes met hers and then traveled down to her chest and then back up. "I'm imagining those on you." She chuckled at the appalled look that crossed Michiru's face.

Michiru bit back a smile and pushed her cackling partner down so that she could lay on top of her. "Would you enjoy that?" She asked, leaning over her.

The blonde hummed in thought, earning her a smack on her shoulder.

"Honestly?" The violinist rested against her and nodded her head into Haruka's chest. "No, yours are way better."

Michiru sighed happily as she felt Haruka's arms hesitantly wrap around her.

Both were thinking the same thing. Now would be the perfect time to talk over their relationship. This easy mood had been simple enough to fall into, but they still had to address the problem. Michiru was hoping Haruka would bring it up first, while Haruka was sure that Michiru was only lonely.

Their clock chimed two in the morning and reality returned to them. Haruka shifted on her makeshift bed, "It's kinda late."

And Michiru knew that Haruka was saying she should go to her own bed. "I agree." She said, sitting up and moving away. "I suppose I should sleep."

"Do you have any plans for tomorrow?" Haruka asked, folding her hands behind her head.

"Classes and the like."

"Well good night…" Haruka said, turning over so she was facing the back of the couch.

Michiru nodded. "Good night."

Omake two:

From Another Tuesday

Well it was bound to happen, Haruka thought bitterly.

"Tenoh Haruka and Kaioh Michiru reportedly broken up," Setsuna read from the tabloid with a hint of amusement in her voice.


"It's like American magazines."

"But actually correct..."

"Don't buy one!"

"But I wanna read it!"

Setsuna rolled her eyes, "Fame is beyond me."

"That it is..."

Haruka was hit with the rolled up magazine. She pouted and turned to the shopkeeper, who was watching their exchange with a curious look. "Are you not going to stop her?"

Setsuna hit her ten more times.

Omake three:

From Another Monday

"Congratulations on your race, by the way." Michiru said to fill the tense silence

Haruka sipped her tea, waiting for her clothes to finish washing. "Kudos on your concert, I enjoyed it."

Michiru looked shocked, "I didn't know you went."

"Of course." Haruka sighed, "I wanted to see you when you weren't so stony. On stage, you just melt..."

Omake four:

From Another Tuesday

Haruka shivered.

Damn couch.

Stupid thin covers.

The blonde fumed about her current living situation. Michiru had, of course, given her the thinnest covers and the most uncomfortable pillow they owned. Haruka shook as the chill settled into her.

Maybe she could sneak into their bedroom and grab another set of covers...

Rather sneakily, she tiptoed past the bedrooms of Hotaru and Setsuna. For whatever reason, her daughter was still awake. Instead of chidding the girl and blowing her cover, she continued to her room. The door opened with a small creak.

Oddly, the lights were off. There was no way Michiru was already asleep though. Sure enough, she could hear the shower running in their bathroom and she saw the light shinning under the closed door.

Haruka sighed and took her time getting the extra cover. She plopped down on their bed. The bed felt so wonderfully comfortable.

She rested her head on Michiru's pillow and inhaled her partner's scent. The familiar smell that could only be described as Michiru drove her crazy and calmed her storm of emotions. She nuzzled the pillow and resisted the urge to fall asleep.

She stayed like that for nearly ten minutes.

The blonde bolted awake when she heard the shower stop. Grabbing the extra cover, she retreated back to the living room.

Meanwhile, Michiru was sure she had heard her bedroom door close. She exited the foggy bathroom and into her chilly room. Dressed in a fuzzy bathrobe with her hair in a towel, she sat on her bed and sighed. Haruka wasn't waiting for her.

Even though her lover was just in the next room, Michiru felt like they were worlds apart. The violinist curled up against Haruka's pillow and felt so weak.

She needed Haruka in her life, at all times. While that train of thought was slightly insane, she had heard Haruka once tell her the same thing. It was decided, they were best side by side. After all, without Haruka what could Michiru do?

... What couldn't she do?

But she wouldn't be, isn't, happy without Haruka,

The violinist sighed. She tried to distract herself from her thoughts of the trapped sea forced to forever adore the untamed wind. Perhaps some tea would help...

Omake five:

From Another Wednesday

Michiru looked at her reflection. Dark circles were beginning to form under her eyes from lack of sleep. Next, her hair wasn't falling into place as it normally did. Kamisama, she was practically falling apart.

That didn't escape Haruka's notice either.

"You look like a wreck."

Michiru frowned, "Thank you."

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