Chapter two

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Warning!!! There's depictions of violence in this chapter and possibly some possible triggers. Just watch out.

Ursula's tentacles, three of them, were stiff at the end and constantly striking my back, hard. Hard enough to split open my skin and I could feel a warm liquid running down my back. I assumed it was my blood.

Normally I would have cut the person trying to hurt me in half. But even though I was raised with no affection from her and was constantly abused, though not to this extent, I couldn't bring myself to harm Ursula. She was, at the end of the day, my mother. And while I can't exactly say I love her, not just because of island rules but because it's true, as hard as I try I can't bring myself to stand up to her or to turn away from her for good.

My vision was slowly starting to go a bit blurry. A part of me welcomed this, to her a break form this excruciating pain that was spreading through me, the more stubborn part, didn't want to let my mum win by getting me to pass out. Because that would be admitting defeat in a way. And that's something that I never do.

The poison entering my body with every strike of a tentacle was only adding to the pain of my back being ripped to shreds. I could feel the cuts crossing over each other now with every hit. And it was all I could do not to scream. I did not need my crew knowing quite how bad Ursula was beating me.

She'd never went this far before. Yes, I have scars on my arms from her tentacles but she'd never struck me enough to cause any real damage. Now she has truly lost the right to call herself my mother.

As all three tentacles hit my back all at once, spraying poison also this time, I fought so hard but still a scream escaped my lips. Not a loud one. But a scream all the same.

As Uma let out something between a whimper and a scream, something seemed to cross Ursula's face. She released her hold on her daughter and didn't sent any more lashes towards her daughter.

Ursula just let her daughter fall to the ground, unable to move from the poison and pain. She then stormed out the room like she never almost killed her daughter from poisoning.

Uma tried to move, but her limbs had become immobile and she couldn't even resist as her eyelids drooped shut. She just simply passed out on the floor, with blood flowing in steady streams from her back to the floor.

Harry, her first mate, sworn to protect Uma, burst through the door at that moment and saw Uma lying there, unconscious. And for just a moment, it looked as if he was about to cry. But that moment was gone and he was walking forward towards Uma.

Harry POV

When I opened the door, the sight that hit me broke what's left of my heart. Uma was lying there, on the dirty wooden floor, in a pool of her own blood. She had what looked like whip marks covering her back and I could see the traces of Ursula'a poison.

She had her eyes closed but there was an extremely hurt and painful expression plastered onto her face. For a second all I could do was stare and hate myself for not coming faster and stopping this.

But then my instincts kicked in and I moved forward quickly to where Uma was lying on the floor and tried to get a measure of just how much poison was in her system. Just by the fact that Uma had passed out proved there was a lethal amount coursing through her veins.

The wounds were long slice marks and were cross crossing over each other due to lack of space for more. I reached on and moved her hair off her neck to see if there was any damage there. It appeared to be fine, but that didn't mean everywhere else was.

There was a mark going round the bottom of her back and it looked like it continued round her stomach. Maybe it was where Ursula had been keeping her restrained.

I wanted to pick Uma up and take her back to the ship where some of our stolen medical supplies were. But I knew I couldn't touch those cuts or turn her over right now.

Without thinking I ran as fast as I could out of the room and towards the ship. I got a lot of weird looks as I sprinted through the crowded streets but I honestly couldn't care less right now. Uma was hurt and I needed to help her. That's all that mattered.


I felt like I was paralysed. I tried to open my eyes to look around me but all I could focus on was the warm, calloused hands applying ointment to my wounds.

The ointment stung when it touched the cuts but the familiar mixed scent of the sea and a light musky, masculine scent calmed me down a lot. The only person that smelled like that was Harry. My first mate.

He finished patching me up a bit and I tried to move but I still couldn't. What the actual fuck Is going on.

Oh. The poison.

I told Harry to not intervene. He disobeyed an order. He should be punished for that. But then again it's not the first time he's done this. And even though I'll never admit it out loud I'm really glad he's here right now.

And it's not like he's getting anything out of this so I'll let it the punishment go. This time.

Yeah well that's a lie I'll always let It go for Harry. But no one needs to know that. Do they?

I'm not quite sure how long Harry just sat there next to me, waiting for me to move again. But slowly I managed to open my eyes.

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