The Night Of Party.

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berties p/o/v

its 6:34pm and dodies still in the studio so i have time to set up the party. i thought it would be a good idea to put up all of our old polaroid pictures around the apartment with fairy lights hung all around with the odd balloons in each corner of the room. dodie loves fairy lights so why not hang them all over the walls ahah.

its about 7:10pm and I've set everything out for the party. i told everyone thats coming to be here for 7:30ish so they'll all be here soon.  dodie gets home from the studio at about 8:00pm

/// skip to all the guests arriving cause why not ///

i let everyone in at the time expected. they put all the presents for dodie on the kitchen table. "dodie will be here any minute so everyone hide!" 

dodies p/o/v

i had a extremely long day in the studio doing stuff for the new ep. i know its my birthday and i wish i spent the day with bert but i had to do the finishing touches to the ep T-O-D-A-Y...ill make up for it tomorrow I'm sure. ;)

i get to my car, plug in my phone and listen to demi lovato. her new song 'sorry not sorry' is bloody amazing and I've had it on repeat a lot recently aha. after my longish drive home i pull up outside of bertie and i's apartment... all the lights are off; has bertie fallen asleep already? i get that he's been busy working really hard on his new short film and all, it just i really wanted to see him for longer than an hour at 6am this morning. :/

i get to the door, throw my keys on the table next to it and flick the light switch on and the silence then becomes loud voices shouting "surprise!!!" i practically jump out of my skin. 'i guess bertie isn't asleep then hahah' i thought to myself. i smile in awe. all my best friends here for my birthday. i still don't see bertie anywhere though...

i all of a sudden feel hands wrap around the back of my waist and the deep, raspy voice of my amazing boyfriend say " happy birthday baby." i turn around and give him a quick kiss and i hug him so tight that i may have stopped his breathing for a slight second ahah. 

berties p/o/v

i wrap my hands around the back of her waist and pull her in and say to her "happy birthday baby." she turns around and kisses me, we hug it out a bit... maybe a bit too tight for my liking but its fine ahah.

she begins to cry; i ask her "hey beautiful! are you okay??? don't cry." she told us all not to worry as they were happy tears. i guess she likes it then. 

she points out all the polaroids. i think she likes the way i set this place up for this evening.

dodies p/o/v

i go round talking to all my friends and catch up with them all. i haven't seen connie for a while so we sit down and talk for about an hour straight about everything we've missed out on. not thinking of the time anymore.

berties p/o/v

i get the polaroid camera out and shout "who wants to take some photos and make good memories tonight?!" the lot of them agree and we start taking pictures.

me and dodie have a picture. she looks adorable today. she has these brown coloured dungarees on with her hair in a low ponytail with the two front bits down and they're curled. her make up is very little but she still looks gorgeous. she also had on my jacket that i gave her last year...i never thought she wore that anymore, i hadn't see her in it since our argument last year. i wasn't going to bring that up though, i don't wanna ruin my babies night.

dodies p/o/v 

after a bunch of us had photos taken my friend savannahs plus one came up to me and introduced himself. if i was completely honest i would say 'i think they're secretly seeing each other.' myself, bertie and this guy, stephen...savannahs plus one, asked me if i ever thought of getting a tattoo. "ummm yeh i suppose at some point id get one. out of the blue he whipped out his tattoo gun and just said to me "how about now?" "i mean like why not; its my birthday after all!" 

i sit down at the kitchen table holding berts hand, squeezing it pretty hard. "sorry baby I'm just not good with pain." i explained to bertie. he's the most understanding person i know. 

stephen asked me what i wanted done. "only something small." i say. "any quotes or song lyrics?" he asked. "there is this one quote from my favourite film, la la land, that id quite like 'a  bit of madness is key.' :)"

/// skip to after that tattoo ///

after that twenty minutes of pain the doorbell rings... it goes silent. i look at bertie and bertie looks at me in confusion. its like 1am who could that be? me and bertie walk over to the door hand in hand whilst I'm also gripping on to his arm really tight; shaking in fear, why wouldn't i be? its extremely eerie out there. no moment to be heard, no one talking. inside the apartment is comepelty still and silent. bertie slowly turns the door handle and opens it the tiniest bit. it was ex jon. why tf is he here? i think to myself. 

berties p/o/v

"why the heck are you here you ass?!" i shout. jon replies saying "cause its dodies birthday, why wouldn't i be here. I'm not going to miss my girlfriends birthday am i??" "we broke up over four years ago jon!" dodie explains in a shaky voice. you can tell she's scared. the split up because jon was abusive and was constantly rude. he never really got over the fact that dodie split up with him. four years on and he's still madly in love with her. he's been caught following her around before until we got in contact with the police about it and he said he'd stay away.

sammy, dodies best friend, knows about everything that happened with jon so he runs to the phone in the kitchen and begins to dial 999. whilst I'm still practically screaming at jon to leave and jack and dean a practically holding me back so i don't beat the crap out of this boy, dodies sitting in the living room being comforted by evan and connie. 

the police get here and escort jon away after about an hour of him talking a load of rubbish about how he belongs with dodie...what an idiot. hopefully that be the last we hear and see of him!

/// about an hour later ///

I'm sitting wit dodie since she's still a bit shaken up. people are starting to leave because of one. how late it is and two. because the state dodes was still in. she was just laying on the sofa crying, after i said bye too the last people leaving i went and sat with her. she placed her head on my lap as i stroked her hair until she fell asleep. 

hayyyyy! so how do you like that chapter. I've been working on these chapters all day and its been really fun!!! ill update this book tomorrow - abbie grace xo 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2017 ⏰

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Party Tattoos. || bertie gilbert and dodie clark fan fiction  - abbie graceWhere stories live. Discover now