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berties p/o/v everything. this girl keeps me strong; i don't think she realises how much she helps me with my 'dark times'. these three years have been the best years of my life. 

she's got the most amazing, soft, dark brown wavy hair. her outfits are so incredibly amazing on her. they're are extremely 'aesthetically pleasing' as some might say hahah. dodie gives the best advice and the best hugs; even though she's a lot smaller than me it just makes cuddles that much easier.

i would explain how our families know each other but I'm sure dodies already done that for you.

so its soon to be dodies 21st birthday and i want to throw her a surprise party. I'm gunna invite her close friends and allow them to bring a plus one if the really want too. 

invite list:                                                                                                                                                                                   connie, savannah, dan, evan, sammy, jack, dean, emma, stevie...

its her party so i can't really go inviting a bunch of my friends even we practically hang about with the same lot. i don't know... i just want this day to be amazing for my baby. i don't want too much happening at this party...i don't want to much drink there. last time dodie got drunk it didn't end very well. we got into an argument and we didn't speak for a few weeks. i hated that, it was literally the worst time in my life. i just don't want that happening again. i kinda have a pretty big surprise for her since its her 21st.  we'll see how the whole thing goes then shall we.

Party Tattoos. || bertie gilbert and dodie clark fan fiction  - abbie graceWhere stories live. Discover now