Before she knew it, Melina felt the gentle rustle of Aiden climbing back into his bed, with his lower body clothed. Without changing her out turned position, Melina could feel his burning gaze through the side of her face...anticipating her first words.

"I guess you're not even going to look at me, huh.." Aiden started off, forcing himself to sound nonchalant, knowing that it was the opposite of how he felt.

"I'm sorry-"

"Don't be sorry...I'm not sorry .." he cut her off, allowing a bit of the hurt to slip through his words.

"You don't get it, Aiden.."

"Then talk to me, Melina.."

"It's not that simple Aiden..!!"Melina exclaimed, getting up from the bed. She let out a frustrated sigh and bit her tongue. The frustration and anger began to swell within her.

HE lied to her. Over and over and over again. He made her fall so deeply in love...she was in love with him.

A werewolf.

The thought alone caused her stomach to spin out of control.

"Can you at least look at me..?" the sound of Aiden's dejected voice broke Melina's hefty thoughts. Pulling her heavy gaze from the ground, Melina forced herself to meet his eyes.

"I didn't have a choice, Melina....if I had told you the would have run from me, 100 times more than you already had.." he started, capturing Melina with his crystal gaze.

Unconsciously, Melina felt a foreign warmth in her body swell. As if the two of them were polar magnets, her body began to inch itself closer to him. She barely even realized anything was happening until she noticed a small smirk slip from Aiden's plush lips.

"Why are you smiling..?!" Melina demanded angrily, as she continued to take small steps towards the bed.

Aiden bit back a chuckle and shook his head quickly. The pull. The infamous need to be in close proximity, once the mating ceremony was complete. Melina couldn't fight the blatant pull that they had towards each other. Aiden had felt it the minute she got off the bed, and was battling it just as much as she was. But his strength allowed for him to mask it, Melina on the other hand, was helpless against it.

"Nothing baby, can you come back on the bed..? I hate talking to you when you're so far away..." Aiden teased her, knowing that sooner or later she would end back up on the bed, whether she wanted to or not.

"Aiden!!? You're not taking me seriously right now..! And I can tell by the stupid smir-" Melina's frustrated rant was cut short by the unexpected collision of her knees to the edge of the bed.

Aiden couldn't resist the laughter that fought against tightly pressed lips. Melina's widened eyes, opened mouth and stunned expression were too much for him to bear.

Melina pointed an accusing finger at Aiden, "Wh-what did did you do that..?!?" she questioned breathlessly, half in wonder, half in fear.

Aiden chuckled and inched his way closer Melina, who was still standing with her knees pressed against the edge of the bed, visibly trying to refrain from getting back on it.

"It doesn't work that way, Melina. I can't make you do anything..." Aiden began to explain, as he continued to get closer to her.

" did I just end up..I-I dont even remember walking over here..I..." Melina's voice trailed off, as her body flooded with the same hypnotic warmth that drew her back to Aiden in the first place.

"Come here.." Aiden beckoned softly once he got to the edge of the bed.

Slowly, but surely, Melina complied to his demand. Their half naked bodies were millimeters away from each other on the bed they were kneeling on.

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