The Broken Path

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Once upon a time, far away from the real world, in a fairytale land, lived a six year old boy. He was the noor (light) of his parents' eyes.

"Mamma, how is my sister" the boy asked in his cute little voice, laying his head on her mother's tummy, wherein his princess, as he calls her, her sister was growing.

"Your princess is perfectly fine my baby" his mother replied running her hand in his hair, watching him lovingly as he cutely conversed with his sister. He had a perfect family and he felt that life couldnt get any better. But he was wrong. Little did he know that this was the life, his parents had created for him, far away from the cruel world.

It was a scary night for the boy. His mother was next to him, trying to make him sleep, while worrying for her husband who had still not reached home.

"Mamma, when will baba come home" the little boy curiously asked.

"He will be here soon baby. Just go to sleep" she said assuring him, but in a way she was trying to calm herself. Just then, the door was banged making them jump in fear. On seeing her husband on the door, she almost cried with happiness and engulfed him into a hug.

"We will be leaving, first thing in the morning" her husband said running his hand on her back.

"I will pack everything, and we'll go far away from here" she said with tears in her eyes.

"Where are we going mamma?" came a small voice and they turned to look at their son. But before they could reply, the door banged loudly draining the color from the parents' faces.

The father ushered his pregnant wife and son into a room, despite her pleas to let her be with him, and locked it. The wife kept shouting and banging on the door, the little boy, on seeing all the chaos started crying with fear, the sky was pouring out of its might, as if crying for what was to come for the little boy, when all of a sudden, a gun shot boomed in the air making everything silent.

"Mamma" the boy called his mother in between hiccups, when the mother regained her senses and immediately sat down, keeping a finger on her lips.

", dont make a sound. Everything will be fine. We are playing a game, and you need to be quiet" she said not bothering to wipe away the tears, and the child nodded, but he knew that it was not a game. It was something that was making his mother cry, and people dont cry while playing a game.

Just then there was a bang on the door of the room they were locked. His mother immediately took him by his hand and opening up wardrobe at the corner end, made him sit inside.

"Whatever happens, dont come out baby. And dont make a sound. I love you. And be safe" planting a lots of kisses on her child's face she closed the door of the wardrobe which didnt look like it. It looked as if it was a part of the wall.

As soon as she stood up, the door burst open revealing a sickly creepy man. Keeping a protective hand around her tummy, she yelled in anger, "Where's my husband?"

"Oh he's sleeping darling" he said shamelessly checking her out with a creepy smirk.

Her heart sank, but she put up a courageous facade, for her children and stood straight. What she didnt know was that, the little boy was being the audience of the horrible drama that was being unfolded, through a small keyhole.

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