Part One

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Legolas whistled a steady tune as he strode confidently through the forest of Mirkwood. Having growing up and spending his whole life here, he knew the forest like the back of it's hand, even after it had been stricken of it's beauty and light, and thrust into darkness by a terrible sickness. He knew exactly where he was going, no matter what point he started from, nor which direction he was headed.

He picked his way carefully through the unruly, dense undergrowth that tangled and coiled like snakes beneath his feet. When necessary, he leapt gracefully over fallen logs and trickling streams, running with the blood of his ancestors, that barred his path, and drew out his slender longbow, skillfully crafted, when an unearthly noise reached his perked ears.

The whole while, his eyes scanned about him wearily as he searched for tracks. A cluster of spiders had been sighted in a clearing in Mirkwood, far too close to the borders of the palace for King Thranduil's liking. Legolas had made it his sole duty to hunt them down; eager for a taste of battle the quiet spring days had not provided.

The wind hummed lightly through the gnarled branches that overhung above him, stirring the leaves and foliage that caked the forest floor. Dappled sunlight cascaded from the arches above him, giving warmth to his features and basking his silky hair in a golden hue; making it shine brighter than the Sun itself.

He stopped abruptly in his tracks as he caught a flash of white through the branches in front. It almost dazzled his to see such a colour within the pressing gloom of the trees, but, regaining his sharpened senses, he set off in pursuit.

The prince scanned through the shadowy branches with a practised eye, but it was growing darker as he delved deeper into the gloom; the canopy became more dense as the branches and leaves coiled tighter around each other, obsuring the glaring Sun that provided light into the forest. However, his eyes eventaully adjusted and he bounded steadily over the leaves and twigs that snagged at his legs.

The pursuit soon led him into the clearing he was looking for. There were many small etches in the ground and splatters of blood stained the leaves. He moved closer to the crimson smudges, crouching down next to then and studying them more carefully, the pursuit of an unknown victim already slipping from his mind. It was not orc blood, nor spider blood, nor even elf blood. It belonged to one of the race of men. He frowned thoughfully, then moved to analyse the tracks.

Light impressions pierced the soil, hundreds of them running the length of the clearing; spiders had definitely been here. He gently wiped at the dirt with his index finger, holding it up to his eye and inspecting it. No more than an hour ago. He sighed, rising from the ground. He had all the information he required; now it was time to hunt.

Just as Legolas was about to turn and leave, he caught another flash of white to his left. Nocking an arrow to his bow in a swift movement, his gaze swept through the murky shadows. Not a moment later, a face appeared through the trees. A woman.

She was tall for a human, clad in a white cotton shirt and green hunting leggings. Intelligent blue eyes shone brightly in the dimness of the forest, but the left side of her face was caked in blood; spider blood? There was a deep gash running along her right shoulder, soaking her shirt crimson. She clutched a bloodied dagger in her weakening hand and held it up defensively as she noticed the elf's bow directed at he forehead; it's silver feather-shaft glinting in the last pools of sunlight that flooded through gaps in the trees.

Legolas could see her strength was dwindling, fast. She would soon pass out from the loss of blood. She suddenly let out a long ragged gasp and clutched her shoulder, wincing, as another lance of pain shot down her arm.

The dagger slipped from her slackened grip and her eyes suddenly rolled to the back of her head. Legolas sprung over to her and caught her in his arms before she hit the floor. Her chest was heaving as she struggled to gasp in air; her pretty face shone a sickly, pale pallor and layers of sweat coated her forehead. She needed help.

The elven prince lifted the woman in his arms and began sprinting through the trees, back toward the palace, praying his attention would not be diverted on the way there.


A/N: Hey there! You'll now be reading this because you've decided to read my fanfiction, so I thank you for that!

I'm writing this as well as my Fili Fanfic - 'Price of Battle' - which you should check out... If you want...
So. What'd you think? This is based off an Imagine from my IG account. As are all of my Fanfics... And I'd like to know your thoughts...

Anyway. Thanks for reading! I'd really appreciate it if you commented your feedback on future updates, and also voted. Yup. If you just click the little star, I will be greatly satisfied.

Okay. You may continue on with your lives now. I hope you enjoy my work!

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~ _imagine_fantasy_

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