{18.02.2013 (?)}

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  The weirdest talent  

       Once upon a time, there was a girl named Kate. Kate was a very special person but she didn't know it yet.

She had brown hair and green eyes. Her best friend was Lucy. Lucy was blond her eyes were blue. Both girls were smart and tall and they were 13 years old.

One day, when the two friends were at school, happened something very strange. Kate's hair started turning from brown to black. She didn't realize it until she got home and looked at herself in the mirror. She wanted to tell her mother about it, but something stopped her.

She felt strange. Like a she had a new power. She thought it for a minute and decided not to tell it. She hid her hair and kept this change secret.

Next Friday night, her parents went out so Kate was alone. Then she remembered that she hadn't written her homework. She groaned and wished she could go back in time to write her homework.

Everything around her started stirring. Things were a colorful dance.

Suddenly, Kate appeared in the middle of the Mrs. Jones lesson. He was teaching math. "Hello! Hello, can you hear me?" she cried. No one could hear her voice or talk to her. "I wish I was home! I don't like being here!" she complained. Everything around her started stirring again.

After a minute, she was back to her bedroom. It was like she had left for a second and then she came back. She thought it a little and then she discovered the truth.

She had traveled back in time! She couldn't believe it. All the weekend she was thinking what she would do with her power.

On Monday she told Lucy about the weekend. But her friend didn't believe her. She said that Kate was a liar end she wouldn't be her friend any more. And then she left.

Another girl, Tina had heard what they had told. "Don't worry. I believe you. I can be your best friend if you want me to" she told Kate.

The week passed fast and Tina visited Kate on Friday. Kate's parents had gone out again and Kate decided that this was the perfect chance to show Tina what she could do.

The two girls would go at Mrs. Jones lesson, the one that Kate had gone last Friday. Kate caught Tina by her hand and wished she had been at last Friday's math lesson.

As usual, things around the girls started stirring and the two friends were where they wanted. "That's amazing! You're traveling in time!" said Tina amazed. "I know. But I don't know what to do or if I can tell to anyone" replied Kate. Tina tried to talk to the people in the classroom. She wasn't able. She could write, she could touch things, but she couldn't touch any living thing. The bell rang and the girls decided to return to Kate's house.

"What are we going to do? If I can go back in time, we can go and stop me by telling Lucy that I have this talent" said Kate. Tina agreed. But when they tried it they realized they couldn't do anything.

"Maybe it's better like this. Think it like it was a challenge. And Lucy didn't pass" said Tina. Kate hadn't thought it like this. Now Tina was her best friend. And nothing would change this.

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