Love and Life, it's complicated

Start from the beginning

We arrived at the school and there was my friends Kristen, Daren, Chloe, Nate, Clover, Jered, and Kelly. All of my friends looked emo but aren't. Kristen's the only one that doesn't look emo. I said a quick thanks to my brother, and walked out to my friends.

"Hey guys!" I said putting my backpack on.

"Hey, so is that your brother?" asked Clover, typical Clover, always the boys.

"Yeah, and don't even try hookin' up with him, he has a girlfriend back in England." I said, walking to homeroom.

"I was just asking but thanks for telling me." she smiled. I rolled my eyes, she stuck her tongue out at me. I sat down in my sit, once I got to homeroom. All of my friends took their seats around me. Homeroom was where all of us met.

"So whys your bro here?" asked Daren. He has been my friend for along time, he always cared about me, he was like the brother I always wanted expect instead of him I got Zach the lame excuse for a brother. Oh yeah did I mention I kinda have a crush on him?

"He's here to babysit me while my mom is in Russia." I sighed.

"Okay, but if you ever feel lonely you can always come to me." he suggested.

"Thanks." I smiled.

"Shay, wanna go to the mall after school? I wanna get you something for your birthday." said Chloe.

"Yeah, me too." said Kristen.

"Me three." agreed Clover.

I frowned and said, "I'm sorry guys but I can't. My mom said as soon as school is over to come home, no where else."

"Aww! But I really wanted to get you something for your special day." whined Kristen.

"My bro is going to pick me up today so I could tell him that I'm going with you guys, and Daren's taking me home."

"Perfect!" squealed the girls, the guys covered their ears.

I laughed. The teacher came in and did whatever the hell she was supposed to do.

*End of the school day*

I walked out of my 7th period with Daren by my side, his arm around my waist, it was normal for him to do that he's been doing that since was started high school. We walked out of the school building and walked over to my brothers car. I looked in and saw him with 4 other dudes.He rolled down the passenger side window.

"Hey sis, who's the dude?" Zach said

"This is Daren, my best friend."

"Oh hey dude." he smiled.


"Shannon these are my friends, Rob." he said motioning his hand to the dude in the passenger's side, who I might add is very sexy.

"Hello Shannon." he said nicely.

"Hey." I waved shyly.

"And this is his younger brother Heath, he's your age, along with Damon, who is Felix's little brother." Man are all his friends sexy?????

"Hello." they said in unison.

"Hey, anyway Daren and some friends are going to shopping for my birthday, they want me to come, so can I go?"

"Yeah sure. Who's taking you?"


"Okay, Daren are you a safe driver? How long have you had your driver's license?"

"Yes and about a 6 months." he answered simply.

"How old are you?"


"Will you take care of my sister?"


"Do you drink?"


"Hmm....have you two ever been more than friends?" he asked rasing a brow.

"Um........Zach stop with the big brother talk! We're just friends!" I yelled.

"Okay." he said squinting his eyes at me.

"Bye!" I said quickly, grabbing Daren's arm and pulling him towards his car.

"Wow your brother is kinda creepy." he laughed.

I slapped his arm and said, "I know, but he's trying to be a good brother."

He rubbed the spot where I hit him saying, "I was kidding. Now come on. I bet Nate 50 bucks that I could bet him to the mall, he's probably half way there." "Boys." I said rolling my eye, getting in the passenger's seat.

"I know aren't we awesome?" he smiled.

"Um hmm." I nodded, laughing on the inside. Now you see why I like Daren, he's fun, an awesome friend, and really good looking. I ran my hand through his soft hair. We got to the mall before Nate, turns out Chloe forgot her money so they had to turn back.

"No fair! We got here first but had to turn back because of Chloe!"

"It doesn't count! So pay up buddy." Daren laughed.

"No! I want a redo!"

"Nope you lost admit it!"


"Come on! I want my money!"

"You'll never get it till I get a redo!"

"Guys!" yelled Clover, which made the boys stop and look at her.

"Nate shut up and give Daren his damn money! I wanna start shopping!" Oh yeah did I mention Clover is obsessed with shopping?

"Fine." said Nate, stomping his foot. I thought girl did that on T.V? I wonder if Nate is gay? Maybe?

Daren got his money and walked off with the guy to the Sports store. If they buy my gift from there they're so dead. I linked my arms with Kristen, Chloe, and Clover's arms and we made our way to Hot Topic.


So what do you think? Should I continue? Please vote and comment. I want to know what you think.

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