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A white colored mist mingled in the air while a group of investors stood by with amused expressions on their face. Above them, a slew of snowflakes fell from the sky landing on the tips of the frozen investor's noses. Their cold eyes were trained on a brilliant young girl with frosted white hair and stunning hazel eyes. Her gaze was set on the sky while her eyebrows scrunched together with determination. The white mist twisted around her fingers and circled towards the clouds scattered in the sky. 

Right as sleet began to fall a rough voice from somewhere in the crowd cut her off, "That's enough." As the words echoed through the air, a look of fear glazed over the girl's eyes before she turned back towards the clouds. She mumbled a few incoherent words before the mist coming from her hands came to an abrupt halt. A rush of warmth washed across the area, warming up the investors within seconds as the climate shifted back to normal. With the warmth flooding back into the area, the snow falling from above began to melt before it could even touch the ground.

The investors chattered with glee about what they witnessed, but their attention was soon whisked away to the uncanny man that stepped out from deep in the crowd. His black eyes scanned over the investors, his lips perking up in a smirk when he took in their delighted faces. Now satisfied with the investors, he turned his gaze away to stare at the girl who only cowered underneath his gaze. He stepped forward once more to join her by her side. She flinched involuntarily as his hand brushed against hers, but she didn't dare to pull away.

"She's lovely, isn't she?" His deep, charming voice asked the crowd. The investor's all nodded in agreement, their voices picking up in volume as they murmured their praise. "Her name is Mariah Anderson, she's said to be twenty-one years old according to her records, and from what we know she has no family located in this area, besides her father who lives in town," He continued.

"Impressive," an investor in front praised. "How long as it been since you captured her?"

"Approximately six months, sir."

"And how did you find her?" another investor asked.

"My colleague found her abandoned on the side of the road after her car broke down," the man briefly explained. 

"Does she have any recollection of the events prior to her capture?" the same investor asked 

The man nodded his head lightly, "She remembers everything."

A third investor quickly cut in before another question could be asked. "How do you expect her to obey your orders if she has all recollection of her previous life and has matured enough to make her own decisions?" he asked.

"We tortured her to the point where we believe she will obey to our every command," the man smoothly replied. "If she doesn't obey, we shock her."

"There is always a chance that she'll rebel, even if you torture her to the brink of death. Have you thought of that, sir?" the investor inquired.

"The scenario has been brought up in conversations before, but we are not worried. We hope that she won't be stupid enough to rebel against us."

The investors turned to one another, shooting odd glances that no one but them could understand. "Thank you, sir," the first investor stated after a few seconds of silence. "Allow us to deliberated for a few moments and we'll get back to you with our decision."

With a nod of approval from the man, the investors gathered in a group far away from the mutated girl and her companion. One investor stepped out in the middle of the circle to lead the discussion while the others listened carefully to one another. Conflict began to rise while they talked, causing tension to run through the group. Many men weren't pleased with the idea that adult mutants could rebel at any time due to their maturity, others weren't pleased with the lack of training the mutant is receiving. 

The men soon became red-faced as they yelled insults at each other. Their voices collided roughly as they began to argue. Many of the men were yelling at the top of their lungs in a pathetic attempt to get their point across while others just ended up yelling over them. They continued to yell until their voices were cracked and raw. It wasn't until the final man who stayed silent piped with an idea that everyone could agree on that the men's voices could rest. 

"We've come to an agreement," one investor announced as they wandered back over to the man and the mutant. 

"Is that so?" the man responded with amusement in his tone. 

The investor nodded, "Yes, we've come to the agreement that we won't invest in you. But if you do wish to contact us again in the future, we are willing to take a bargain if you decide to change the few things that lead us not to invest in the first place."

"What issues are you speaking of?" the man asked.

"We find that the mutant is lacking physical training which would be necessary for what you are trying to achieve. It's come to our concern that if other forces rose to defeat the mutants then there would be no way for them to defend themselves without using their abilities. We also find that knowing that the adult mutants can rebel at any moment due to their knowledge of the outside world and their maturity level as adults. If these mutants were to rebel against their leader then there would be an issue that no one is entirely sure how to solve," the investor replied.

The man nodded, "Your concerns have been noted, I'll be sure to have them fixed for the next time we meet. Any personal suggestions on how I should go on about the issues?"

One investor raised his hand, "I do, have you ever considered using children instead of adults? Children are easily manipulated at their age and can get the proper training that adult mutants lack."

"I will take that into consideration, thank you for the suggestion."

The investors nodded. "Thank you for giving us the opportunity to witness such an amazing thing. Please, contact us again if you happen to change things up a little."

"I'll keep that in mind, have a good night gentleman," the man responded with a wicked smile stretching across his face.

As the final words hung in the air, the two groups parted ways. The group of investors conversed quietly as they headed off towards their vehicles parked down the street, while the mutant and the man headed in the other direction towards their slim car that would be their ride back to the base. 

"Children," the man mumbled while opening the car door. "Who needs adults when you have children to take their place?"

{Started off strong and ended badly. Ouch}

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