Chapter Twenty Three

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I silently sat outside of Justin's New York apartment, continuously wiping away my tears. I had already spent the last twenty minutes attempting to ring his doorbell but there was nothing. Looking at the clock on my dash the numbers changed from 3:23 to 3:24 am. My phone rang in the seat next to me and my arm robotically reached for it.

"Hello?" My voice was flat, I didn't have the energy or will to add any animation to it. 

Tessa spoke on the other end, "Hey, babe. We're all at your apartment. Where are you?

I took a deep breath in an attempt to calm my tears before answering, "Um, Justin's apartment." There was so much commotion going on on the other end that it was hard to focus on whatever Tessa was saying. 

"Why don't you come home so we can talk and figure something out? Scooter's here and he's working with his detective. He's pissed and-" I stopped focusing on her words because it truthfully was taking too much energy that I just didn't have. I slowly started my car and made my way back to my apartment.

When I got there so many people were gathered in mine and Dani's small living room. People I recognized and some I didn't. Tessa met me at the door as I took my shoes off and began questioning me.

"Are you- I don't wanna ask if you okay but I-" I stopped her before she could continue, "Then don't because the answer is no."

"Scooter's detective is doing his best, they think they'll figure it out in a few hours."

I scoffed, "Yeah, hours. Cool." I silently made my way to the couch, ignoring anyone even tried to make eye contact with me.

I hadn't realized until now that I was no longer crying and I quickly came to the conclusion that it was because I just didn't have anymore left. It had probably only been about an hour since Scooter had initially called but it had felt like twelve had past.

Around me Scooter and his detective talked on their phones while simontaneously working away on their computers. While all my friends, including Kendall and Hailey, took turns dialing Justin's number. Another hour went by before the spot next to me on the couch dipped. 

I didn't care to move because I knew that whoever had just sat down wasn't Justin with my son. Ryan's voice softly spoke, "You should really eat. I know you don't want to but I've been listening to your stomach growl for the part thirty minutes, Nadia." I ignored him and he sighed, "Nadia, please. We'll find him. You think Scooter will let this go on too long? God knows he can't afford to have Justin reputation go anymore down the drain."

"I couldn't give a shit less about his reputation." I spat, my tone being a lot more harsh than even I was expecting but it was true. Justin's reputation meant nothing to me and right now neither did he. Jayce was all I cared about.

Out of my peripheral I could see Ryan nod, "You're right and I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that."

"You know that's part of the problem, right?" My voice was dull again, "No one cares about Jayce, just Justin. This will be on the news by tomorrow, 'Justin Bieber runs off with one year old sonleaving mother in worry and despair. Will Justin return?' "

"Nadia-" Ryan was cut off by another familiar voice, "Can I talk to her for a second?"

Looking up I was met by Hailey's face. Confused, Ryan stood allowing her to take his spot next to me. I didn't know where this was going and even though she had nothing to do with this as far as anyone knew I still didn't want to be talking to her. 

"I know you don't like me and I get why but I know Justin and well, and I know that he wouldn't do anything to hurt his son. He's an ass and so fucking stupid, but he has a good heart. I am in no way trying to defend him but I firmly believe that Jayce is okay. Justin is an asshole and I know that this room full of people will gladly kick his ass for you right now, including me, stay positive. We'll find him."

I smiled a little because although I didn't care for her or really her words, because she still was defending Justin, it was nice of her. As she got up Scooter yelled from the dining room, "You talk to him?"

His words lingered in my head and my ears perked up, immediately causing me to come to the edge of the couch. I watched Scooter as he quickly wrote on a piece of paper in front of him, "Thank you so much."

After he hung up he made eye contact with me, "That was his dad. He said he talked to him and Justin said he had just landed in Calabasas. We're getting closer, I'm going to have someone out there try and get some information from airports and such."

I nodded and Ryan looked at me with a hopeful look, "That's good, maybe he's surprising his dad?"

"Don't try to justify him taking my son across the country! Are we all aware that he could go to jail for this? This is kidnapping, he's not on her birth certificate. If you're going to defend him too you can leave." The anger that I had been holding in all night had finally gotten the best of me and Ryan could tell. The only person I ever really yelled at like that was Justin, so everyone around me was shocked. 

Dani was the one to speak this time, "Nadia, we know. Ryan knows and I don't think he was trying to defend him. We all just want to make you feel better and none of us know how. This has never happened to any of us and I could only imagine what you're going through if it were Harper- We just love you, Nadia." 

I sighed and started to cry again, "I-I'm sorry. I just, I don't know how to handle this you guys. I want to be anger, I want to be sad, I just all this to not be happening. I-" As much as I didn't want to give into the tears I couldn't keep holding them in. I tightly hugged the decorative couch pillow and sobbed into it.

Ryan quickly removed the pillow and brought me into his arms, "Let's go pack you a bag and head to the airport. Sitting here waiting isn't going to make you feel any better. "

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