Chapter Ten

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Dani's eyes were set on me, but I stood in shock as he walked closer to where we stood. Dani spoke again this time more sternly, "I'm serious, tonight is already fucked so you can either kick him out or take him upstairs."

My thoughts broke finally, "He can't come upstairs. Jayce."

"Then tell him to go. Now." With that Dani walked away and Justin finally stood in front of me, still surrounded by body guards. Only a few people had actually recognized Justin by now, but the entire place had noticed his body guards. I didn't look at him, I looked at his body guards. I'd never seen him with this much security but I could only assume it was because of his location.

There was a silence between us, me frozen in my spot in shock. Surely they had finished dinner shortly after I left but how he'd gotten here so soon after me still seemed impossible. 

He was the first to say anything, his voice deep but loud over the commotion of the bar, "I need to talk to you."

"You need to leave." My voice was as stern as I could make it but it was not intimidating at all. It was much to shaky to have any effect on him and when he answered he was unfazed, "I don't plan on doing that. I don't do that, leave that is."

There was something else behind him saying that and I knew instantly he was referencing me leaving and I wasn't going to lie it stung. Next to me Tyler leaned towards me, "He needs to go, Nadia. More and more people are gonna start recognizing him."

Looking around I watched as people pointed in Justin's direction and slowly inched towards us. They wouldn't get past his body guards but that would stop them from trying and potentially messing up the bar. 

"Fine. We're going to the back room, let Dani know." Ty nodded and I waved Justin to follow me to the back. I wanted to be mad at him right now for showing up to my job, I really did but my anxiety wouldn't let me feel that emotion right now. 

Once in the back room Justin ordered his security to wait outside the door, before closing it behind him. The room felt suffocating and I silently wished there was a window back here but there wasn't. I quietly attempted to calm my racing heart while he spoke, "Hi."

My eyes that were set on the floor looked up at him giving him a questioning look, "Hi?" My voice was flat and caused him to look down like I just was.

I folding my arms over my chest at an attempt to protect myself although I had no idea what it was from. Across from me Justin sighed, ran his hand over his now shaved head, and look back up.

"Nadia, I-" He stopped, to take a long breathe, "Why am I here?"

"I was going to ask the same thing." 

His eyes stared back into mine and a small smile crossed his face, "I guess your presence at the restaurant was a shock to the system."

I nodded, "I'm sorry."

"For what?" His question was loaded, "Shocking me or leaving me?"

It was my turn to be shocked and my automatic reaction was to defend myself, "You left me first."

He let out a laugh that was all but amused, it was sarcastic, "You're not wrong."

A silence feel over as he thought of what to say next. I didn't know what was going through his mind but I knew exactly what was going through mine. Guilt, pain, and a small amount of anger. 

"I'm not going to lie to you, Nadia, I've spent the last two years hating you." My face fell slightly because how couldn't it? But he continued, "But all the things that I've had planned to say to you for those two years I can't bring myself to say right now, because all I want to say is how much I fucking missed you."

My response was quick because it was true, "I missed you too, Justin."

He laughed another sarcastic laugh and shook his head, "You don't get to say that. But anyway, question for you: did you have the kid?"

This time my anxiety was pushed to the side by my anger and my voice came out loud, "And you don't get to ask that fucking question! Fuck you, Justin! Seriously, fuck you!"

Tears started to fall from my eyes out of anger and pain. I was expecting him to be cold, but I was also expecting him to still be the person he was when I knew him. I quickly wiped my eyes and shoved past him to the door.

Before opening it, I gave him one last command, "You need to leave." My crying made my voice shaky and I knew he could hear it. Walking out I headed in the direction of my apartment, I was in no mood to go back to work and deal will all those people and all I really wanted to do was see Jayce. So I did.

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