Ummmmmm... About The Files

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I opened the restroom door.
"Pfui, where is that girl?"
I asked mostly to myself. I looked in the mirror as I redid my lip gloss and fixed a few stray strands of my hair. As I slipped my gloss back in my purse the restroom door opened, I glanced up into the mirror through my lashes unsure of who it was. Once I saw those brown spikes I was fully aware.
"Endlich Tracer, where have you been?"
She smiled as she rubbed the back of her neck.
"Oh here, just, ya know, waitin for the right time to give you the..... files."
I raised an eyebrow and ignored the purple kisses that were all over her face.
"Well then hand them over, I've got to get home and read them before the raid tomorrow morning."
Tracer looked away, rubbing the back of her neck again.
"Well love, seee ummmmmmm... about the files.... they might of.... slightly been stolen."
I sighed as I closed my eyes.
"Verdammt, Tracer those contained detail to most of our mission, wie ist es passiert, how did this happen?"
Tracer blushed suddenly avoiding my eye contact.
"Well, ya see Widowmaker was h'ere and...."
"Stop, you said Widowmaker?"
I interrupted making sure I heard right.
I processed the thought a moment before speaking.
"Entschuldigen Sie, I've got to go. Stay a while longer then leave as well we don't know how many Talon agents are here."
Tracer nodded as I left immediately through the front door.
Ich schwöre bei Gott, wenn sie nicht meine Akten hat, werde ich sie töten!
I thought angrily as I got in my car. I started the ignition and pulled off silently cursing under my breath. I got back to my apartment in no time going up the stairs I searched my purse for my key. Once I open and closed the door that familiar French accent greeted me.
"Salut Chérie! I hope you don't mind I let myself in."
I grumbled under my breath as Widowmaker entered from another room. She wore a simple white shirt and shorts, showing off her beautiful skin as her hair that is normally in a ponytail flowed down behind her.
Kein Engel, you can not get distracted.
I thought to myself as I tore my eyes from her body and gave her a stern look.
"Where are my files Widow?"
I asked with a grumble as I sat my purse on the table.
I glared as I walked past her towards my room.
"Don't play dumb with me, the ones you took from Tracer at the ballet tonight."
"Chérie I did not...."
I said cutting her off.
"Tracer herself told me it was you, and the purple lipstick you left all over her face and neck was evidence enough."
Widowmaker glared as I slipped out of my shoes.
"I had a mission."
I rolled my eyes.
"Where are my files?"
Widow contined to glare as she spoke again.
She stated coldly.
I thought to myself as I walked into the bathroom and changed out of my dress.
I needed those files for tomorrows mission!
I walked back into my bedroom in my underwear and a tshirt.
I hummed back as I grabbed sheets and fixed up the couch.
"Je m'excuse I had a mission tonight and you know... Qu'est-ce que tu fais, What are you doing?"
I threw a pillow in her arms as I walked back to my room.
"Goodnight Widowmaker."
I said with attitude as I walked back into my room and slammed the door before locking it.
I swear!
I sat at my desk and started looking over my latest medicine design. I went over all, the schematics studying more into how it could further help people. I yawned into my hand before noticing it was two in the morning.
"Guess I'll rest."
I said as I climbed into bed. I closed my eyes drifting into a dreamless state before I knew it I woke up to pounding on my door. Springing up grabbing my blaster I kept by my bed I pointed it at the door. I glanced at the clock.
2:45am I just barely laid down.
I thought to myself as I lowered myself on the side on my bed for coverage incase.
"Come on Chérie, you cant really expect me to sleep out here!"
I rolled my eyes before putting my blaster back down and crawling back in the covers.
"I can and I do. Gute Nacht."
I said already slipping back into slumber. I heard a highly annoyed groan outside my door but ignored it.
She is a highly trained assassin if she truly wanted to break in here she would, but she respects me enough not to. I'll just have to see how it goes in the morning.

Well theres chapter two, I hope you like it the way I set up Widow and Mercy's personalitys. Much more to come.
Pfui- Ugh
Endlich- Finally
Verdammt- Damn it
Entschuldigen Sie- Exscuse me
Ich schwöre bei Gott, wenn sie nicht meine Akten hat, werde ich sie töten- I swear to god if she doesn't have my files, I will kill her
Salut Chérie- Hello sweetheart
Kein Engel- No Angela
Pardon- Sorry
Witwe- Widow
Scheisse- Shit
Je m'excuse- I'm sorry
Gute Nacht- Good Night
Any others that aren't here have their meanings right after it.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Sep 25, 2017 ⏰

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