Chapter V: Introductions and Deductions

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Authors beginning note: shoutout to mizzyboo! You said something so sweet to me this week, and you may not know but it made my day and drove me to keep writing.

The Chatsworth House ~ September 1818

Bella swivelled her gaze on the woman who beamed a flirtatious smile at the Duke. She had naught even acknowledged Bella's presence. Bella dropped her gaze to the Baroness' left hand and was greeted with marriage ring on her finger. She had wanted to frown at her flirtatious nature as a wife, instead, she wisely settled for a pretty curtsy.

"Lady Manners-Sutton, what a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

The Baroness dimpled prettily at the Duke for the introduction before setting a condescending glare upon Bella as he bowed slightly in respect, soon to leave their conversation in search of one of his own. "Yeth, I am quite sure my dear."

She had a barmy lisp and a haughty air about her and Bella could naught stop the fire from alighting in her eyes, "Oh yes, my Lady. I am cognizant of the fact that most find pleasure within your company."

Lennox set his jaw hard in order to halt his impending laughter as he turned to give Miss Wilton and Miss Manners-Sutton privacy.

It was no secret that the Baroness of Manners was know for being adulterous, however, her husband, the Baron of Manners, fiercely denied it each time a scandal had aroused, thus preserving her honour. Bella had naught been in Britain long enough to be sure of that fact.

Could she have done research on the figureheads in the country's elite society prior to her arrival? Had she just been that intuitive?

The Baroness looked furious as she almost snarled at Bella's sly remark and Bella saw malicious intent within her glare, "Lady Belly. Ith it?"

Nearby women who had been rudely eavesdropping on their conversation sniggered in delight. Bella however, did naught give two partying pennies about their childish behaviour and her ever omniscient smirk ensured that they knew of her indifference.

Bella had cut her in, as the Baroness opened her mouth to continue, "Miss Bella Wilton, my Lady. 'Tis certainly warrant some measure of worry for your your tightness of mind, that you have forgotten my name, when this brunch is in my honour and the program you hold even now bears my name on't."

Bella's smirk had now bloomed into a full-blown grin.

The Baroness scowled deeply at the pretty mulatto that had somehow made her feel belittled. She felt her hands ball into little fists.

"Right," the Baroness all but growled out as her body shook in rage, "Miss Wilton. I heard of your father's demithh. Surely you are taking it well. Gratefully, he must have naught been attached to you, considering I have never seen him carry you on his many trips to London and considering your erm... state."

Bella had almost dropped her smirk to give the Baroness a disappointed "tsk".

The lady before her was absolutely disgraceful. She was naught offended anyhow. She was both richer and more beautiful than the woman before her, that she knew.

"How terribly curious." Bella admonished with a tilt of her head. She whipped open her fan and delicately supplied a little ventilation between them.

"Whatever do you mean?" The lady snapped most unpleasantly, her eyes and her cheeks darkening in displeasure, when she recognised that the insult did naught have its desired effect.

Bella dimpled prettily. "Well an observation that I made of course. One of terrible situational irony. You see, your name and nation is of course, Manners. Yet in a cruel twist of fate, Lady Manners-Sutton, you seemed to have left yours by the wayside." Her smile held-fast as the look of displeasure slowly morphed into one of indignation.

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