Begin To Hope >> Peter Parker X Male!Reader

Start from the beginning

Another coming over happened on a Saturday. But it wasn't like the others.

That afternoon, a group of guys from a rival school had caught you off guard after a game of football. They were taller than you, junior year kids who you had no idea why they'd have beef with you. But coming out from the change rooms, they stood there like half-hairy gorillas, pumped up with testosterone and anger, staring you down.

"You _________?" One asked.

You didn't answer, and another shook your shoulder. "Yeah he's the kid who's in love with that Parker boy."

They laughed, and you took a step back. "I don't know what you're talking about –," The first guy took a step forward, and then a swing at your face. You were taken off guard, and your back hit the concrete brick wall, your cheek smarting. "Please –,"

"You think you can be gay out here? This is a man's game." There was a jab to your shoulder, hard enough that you felt it bruise as it happened. "Go take your fairy feet to do ballet or something." There was a roar of laughter at that, and the guy speaking went to take another hit at you. But this time, you saw it coming, and ducked. His fist hit the brick wall, and you dodged their forms and ran out of the change rooms, your gear half-out of your bag. "Yeah! Run off to your boyfriend, coward!"

You didn't stop running until you made four blocks away from the fields, and even then, breathless, you kept going. Your head was screaming all those ugly words those guys had said about you, making you wonder what was your own thoughts or those insults. You didn't even realise that a car had pulled over, and someone was speaking to you until you heard your name.

"_________?" The voice of Aunt May asked. Your eyes focused on her brown mop, her hands poised upon the steering wheel to her new station wagon. "Come on, get in. I'll drive you home." When you got home, however, you saw a note on the table. Leftovers in the fridge, use my card for takeout. Off to England for funeral. Be back soon. SR x. When May read the note over your shoulder, she laughed quietly to herself at the flippancy of 'off to England, brb!' and waved you to grab your toothbrush, a pillow and follow her to the spare bedroom of her house. "You go take a shower, honey, and I'll grab the first aid kit for that face of yours." She smiled.

The water hurt on your face, and in the reflection of the recess, you saw that your lip had split, your eye colouring in to become a fancy shade of black. Even your chest had a bruise from the jab. You did all you could not to cry in the shower, and realising how much those words really hurt you, you turned the hot water up a little more and cried until you couldn't tell which tears were yours or from the showerhead.

But when you were all dressed in your Iron Man pyjamas (a gift from Tony Stark himself), Aunt May handed you a warm blanket, a cold compress, and a seat on her couch.

"Want to talk about it?" She sat you down, snuggling you in with the blanket. The screen was playing a rerun of Adventure Time but you weren't paying attention. It was like you were hearing in different shades of static, and everything was numb. "_________? Peter will be back home in fifteen minutes –,"

Your fingers touched your cheek at his name, woken out of the daze. You weren't even sure if it was called shock, or maybe hibernation, but once Peter was mentioned, you were pulled out of it. "May?" you say, voice small, "I don't know who did it to me."

She nods, and takes a seat beside you, stroking back hair that had fallen into your eyes. "It's okay. Do you remember what they looked like?" You spurt off the details, as May writes them down, and when your mind can't remember any more about those guys, she strokes your hair once again. You're not sure what good writing down who those people were would do, but you're just sitting there, watching as Finn and Jake jiggle with a strange creature on screen. Soon, the door closes, and May calls out, "Peter? Honey, _________'s here..." May leaves your side, and soon, Peter's there.

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