"Nice to meet you, Heimdall. Can you by any chance tell me where he went?" I gestured to the large door Loki left from moments ago, and then looked back to the large man before me. Heimdall grunted, not sounding very pleased that I was searching for Loki. I wonder if perhaps we /was/ a dictator. "Loki is heading over to the castle of Odin. I, however, suggest you find other company."

I furrowed my brow at him. I wasn't so sure about leaving Loki, the only one I really knew here, and taking up with strangers of a whole different race. But knowing that Loki was the king, perhaps it would be better if I didn't bother him. Reluctantly, I agreed. "Do you know anyone who wouldn't mind me? Maybe someone who could tell me about his place?" I had to live up to my expectations of learning the culture, after all.

Heimdall chuckled. "I do know one."

One burly man sat at the table, devouring a turkey leg and decked out in his armor. In fact, all four were in suits of armor. Even the one woman there, with her sharp brown eyes and long chocolate hair tied up.

The larger man, who had a wild copper beard waving from his face, looked up, along with the other two. The woman sat polishing a sword on the couch, one Asian looking man with long black hair seemed intent on the fireplace, and the other man lounges back casually. I lifted a hand and waved. "This is Haeley, a mortal guest here from Earth." Frigga announced. She was the mother of Loki, and an extremely kind woman at that. Nothing like Loki made me think she would be.

The four scanned me intently, especially the woman. The man from the couch rose, a grin plastered on his golden goateed face. "Welcome, mortal Haeley, to humble Asgard!" He announced, arms open to me. I was shocked when he patted my shoulder rather roughly, chuckling with genuine welcome. I grinned, a silly gesture. The man at the table set down his food and wiped his hands and mouth on a large towel that I presumed was used as a napkin, standing. "Welcome! Come, try the food!"

"How in Odin's name did she get here?" Said the woman from the couch, eyeing my suspiciously. I felt small under her heated glare, though she wasn't exactly bashing me with it. Frigga directed her attention to the brunette. "Ah Sif; Loki invited her." She told the woman, Sif. She stood suddenly, letting her sword fall from her lap. She gave Frigga an incredulous look, then looked to me. "Loki summoned a mortal here, to Asgard? Why?" she seemed partially curious, and partially in shock. Was it uncommon for humans, mortals, to come here?

Frigga shrugged calmly. "Ask him, Sif. I do not know the reason. Perhaps there are feelings between him and Haeley." She landed a soft hand on my shoulder, and all eyed flew to me, Sif's digging the deepest into my skin. Cheeks burning, I raised my hands in defense. "N-no, it's not like that, really..."

None looked like they bought it, but Sif moved her eyes back to Frigga. "We shall look after her, my Queen." Sif bowed her head respectfully, and Frigga nodded, moving on and out of the room, leaving me alone with the four brute-looking people. Sif walked over, giving me a scrutinizing glare, arms crossed. "Have you some destructive plan, Haeley of Earth?" She questioned, stopping a foot in front of me. the man at my side stepped forward, putting a hand between us. "Calm yourself, Sif, she is but a mere mortal girl-"

"I will not allow Loki to plague us with her if she hath a plan to spy and destroy." Sif snapped. Isabel's my hands in alarm. "What?! I'm not a spy! I'm just here to learn!" I claimed. The man to my side grinned at Sif, as if to tell her 'I told you so'. Sif's guard dropped some, and she finally nodded, sighing. "Alright, Haeley of Earth. But if I so much as smell a scheme from you, I shan't hesitate to kill you." She warned. I suddenly felt, full-throttle, what Loki said before.

However, the larger man who was eating and the one at my side ready grinned and cheered, ushering me over to the couch, and the other man nodded in greeting to me. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad, after all.

Next thing I knew, I was in the most beautiful room I had ever imagined. The ceiling was taller than I've ever seen, and the walls may have been carved from pure good for all I knew. The place screamed royal blood and money, and the woman I stood beside was the same; gorgeous and draped with the finest clothes. She smiled kindly at me. "Welcome to our home, Haeley. I hope the accommodations are well for you." She swept a hand over the room, and I bit my lip so I wouldn't squeal with joy. "It's better than I ever could have imagined, ma'am."

"Please, come this way," She ushered me on, walking from the room to a great hall, glass chandeliers hanging like ordinary street lamps. The house itself made me feel puny, not to mention the way everyone dressed. The woman before me, Frigga, was dressed like she was going to a ball, but this was apparently causal wear here in royal Asgard. It made me wonder what the normal folks wore on a daily basis.

I followed Frigga, traversing through mazes me halls that she knew like the back of her soft hand, until we came to a tall arched door. "You can find everything you may need in here, dear. Loki has already informed me of your needs, and I took the liberty of getting you a few things to wear." She informed. I grinned, a childish feeling of new clothes and royal comfort stretching over me. At last, my room. Maybe I could wear silk PJ's and have chocolate for breakfast. I wonder if that had TV here.

I opened my room, to find it even more luxurious than the hallway, which was hard to believe. My jaw dropped. Did they think I was royalty, too? What had Loki told her about me? I looked back babied me to Frigga, who stood calmly, hands clasped together in front of her. "Thanks you... This is spectacular." I stammered.

The four post bed looked fit for three of me at least, covered in layers upon layers of plush cozy sheets of extravagant material and wealth, a fluffy comforter on top, four small pillows on the top of the bed. Drapes of a deep brown and gold hung from both the bed, and the large arched window on the wall opposite of me. A mahogany vanity with a circular mirror and a matching armoire wee along the wall, and paintings hung from the walls in places.

I felt like a queen. I would /defiantly/ have to thank Loki for this one. Maybe I'll cook him another omelet. Frigga closed the door behind me and I glanced back, only for a second though. This was all to much to take my eyes from for long, and I could barely drink it all in. The colors, the smells, the sights... And this was just my bedroom. What was the whole land like, I wonder?

Curiously, I skipped over to the wardrobe and swing the doors open. At least fifty dresses resided inside, ranging from the casual, stroll-the-town dress, to lively ball gowns with right fitting, clingy making, and poorer-out layered bottoms, along with everything in between. I suppose Ill be wearing dresses for a while. I reached out and touched the fabrics, running my fingers across them all. It was like velvet to the touch, nothing less than royal.

None of this was less than top quality. The richness of the fabrics, the deep smooth colors of the walls, the plushness of the bed and it's coverings... I can't wait to try the food.

I'm staying with a king, I thought excitedly. Every little girls fantasy. But, then again, everything has its flaw, and I couldn't let myself forget who I was here with. The God of Mischief. There had to be a real reason of why he brought me here, because I knew for sure it wasn't to be nice. Some of the impressions people gave off about Loki didn't sit right with me. Sif, her mind set that I was a spy Kr some sort of assassin. Heimdall, who persuaded me to find other company for my stay. What did he think I would do for him, being here? Was it just another cruel prank, or was it worse? Who knows what he has in store for me. I suppose the only was to find out is to go with the flow of things.

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