Second Update

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Surprisingly this is the same day still I am surprised since this is the third "Part" I wrote today. Anyways I am in the state where I'm going on vacation in. Gladly I will be able to post/publish this. Tomorrow I will give you more news and more updates. Well I am going over a bridge with an amazing view... Since I'm young there will be many stories published by the time I stop WattPad. This is pretty much the Solar Eclipse Special two updates and one news in one day.... I can't wait to slide down some water slides and have fun. During the night last time I came here I had to go to the bathroom and I was tired so I forgot there was one in my hotel room. I also then walked out of my room, went to the lobby, looked up, saw a bathroom upstairs, and then I walked upstairs and went to the bathroom. Soon I walked back to my hotel room and the door was locked... I knocked and knocked, but no one answered. After a while I sat down by the door and thought about stuff to keep me awake. After a while my mom answered the door and I was like yay!!!! Heh... Anyways this time my mom isn't coming though... So if I get stuck outside I'm stuck out for good... LOL I won't be able to see the solar eclipse that good but even though it will blind me I'll give it a shot. (JK)

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