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Journal entry one.
    The eclipse. The only thing anyone would talk about. Some people were lucky enough to live where they could see it but most people, like my family, had to drive for nine hours to see the full eclipse. I didn't mind though; I was extremely excited. Plus, I love car rides.
     My brother, mother, sister, and I had driven for nine hours to get to North Carolina to see the eclipse. We spent the weekend with our aunt and then drove for four hours more to the eclipse viewing sight. Everything was normal.                
       We talked and bought food and watched the slow progress of the moon covering the sun. We reached full coverage and everyone was amazed. It was supposed to last two minutes.
      I counted the whole time. 120 seconds. Two minutes. The moon didn't move. People were amazed still, not noticing that two minutes was up. I stayed calm, thinking that there had to be a logical explanation. Nothing.
    I kept counting. 4:57, 4:58, 4:59, 5:00. I ran. I went for cover. At this point, I knew it couldn't be natural. Never, has the moon coveted the sun for this long.
     What happened next seemed to happen in slow motion. Some large... Reaction happened. A wave of something came down and out from the moon, knocking everybody who was exposed, down. Nobody survived. As far as I knew, I was the only survivor. I assumed it affected everyone who saw the eclipse. Some people were perhaps inside, I prayed, and others may have been like me, wary about how long the moon was staying covered. But for now, I was alone.
     The sun was still covered. Seeing as the sun does move, I assumed I would only have daylight in the morning. From then on it would basically be completely dark.
     My name is Danielle (Dani) and I'm seventeen years old. I'm stuck in a strange apocalyptic world, perhaps by myself. First order of business, find someone else that's alive.
Signing off, Dani

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2017 ⏰

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