How you meet

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You were walking into your first class at Beacon Hills High, which was chemistry and you stumbled over your own feet ,not paying attention to your movement, when someone caught you before you face planted the floor,
"Are you ok?" The boy that caught you asked sweetly.
"Yeah..yeah thank you, I'm new and I'm (y/n)" you said nervously biting your lip in embarrassment.
"Cute name, I'm Scott McCall" he then walked away leaving you with a small grin on both of your faces as class began.

You had just moved to Beacon Hills and you were going to meet your mother at the station, where she now worked.
You walked in and was greeted by your mother and the sheriff,
"Hey (y/n), I thought you were going straight home?" Your mother said as you had just been to the gym for hours and you were really exhausted.
"Yeah I just wanted to check up and see how the new job is holding up?" You ask when you notice a boy about your age staring at you from the sheriffs office.
"It's going great, I'm finishing off in 30 mins if you wanna wait for me?" You just nod in response while you keep checking to see if the boy was still looking...and he was.
"Hey mom, who is that?" You motion your head to the boy.
"Oh that's sheriff Stilinski's son, Stiles I think his name is" you just looked at him while he was looking away until he came out of the office.
"Hey um....I'm Stiles" he said looking very nervous, you could tell because he was rubbing the back of his neck.
"Hi I'm (y/n)" you said giving a sweet smile, and he returned the gesture.

You, Scott and stiles were searching for Scotts inhaler, you had been in the woods for an hour and a half now with no sign of it at all.
"Do you remember where you could have dropped it?" You ask bored out of your mind because you guys could be investigating the new crime scene Stiles's dad was working on, but you were stuck looking for an inhaler that was nowhere in sight.
"Nope. We have covered every part of this woods I just don't underst-" he was cut off to the sound of foot steps behind you. You all turned around quickly to be startled to see Derek Hale...the Derek Hale standing in front of you. You could see the fear in Stiles's and Scott's face but you were just intrigued by his eyes that were glued to yours, he walked up to all three of you and threw Scott's inhaler for him to catch.
"You probably know me as Derek Hale, you are?" He turned to you, giving you a smile as he completely ignored the two of your friends that were right beside you.
"(Y/n)" you said smiling back.
"Beautiful name" he said and just walked straight past leaving you confused on what just happened.

You were Allison's best friend and you were meeting her current boyfriend. You both just sat and waited for the boy to show until suddenly a tall, handsome boy with a cute scarf came waking up as you thought to your self 'please don't be him' many times, but he ended up kissing Allison and introduced himself.
"Hey you must be (y/n), I'm Isaac as you probably already know" you smiled and laughed a little as he wouldn't stop staring, this made Allison grab and kiss him as if she was claiming her territory.

You had just joined Beacon Hills High a few days ago, which meant your first instinct was to join the cheer squad where you were introduced to your new friends; Allison, Kira, Malia and Lydia. It was your first actual performance as the lacrosse team were playing against Devenford Prep and you were pretty nervous because you heard rumours that the guys were really hot.
Both teams were on the benches when music started to play, as you and the others began the dance routine all you could hear was cheering from the stands which made you smile a lot.
Another new student,Liam, was watching you in particular in amazement,
"Who is the (y/h/c)ie?" He asked Stiles and Scott.
They looked at each other and Scott just laughed at Stiles's face and he said is annoyance,
"That's my cousin, so don't get any ideas wolf boy" he just furrowed his eye brows at Liam who now was back to staring at you.
The dance had finished and you walked up to Scott, Stiles and Liam.
"You did great (y/n)! The whole school was loving it" Stiles said as he knew how nervous you were before.
"Thanks, good luck for the game" a smile planted onto Liam's face.
"Oh this is Liam, he's new too" Stiles introduced you to him and all you thought was that he was very cute.
"Hi, I'm (y/n)" you have him a sweet smile before he replied with,
"You look so good when your dancing" and as soon as the words came out of his mouth, his face went bright red, you chuckled and Stiles's face went from annoyed that you were talking to him to full on rage at what he said, he was about to start punching him until coach's whistle went off making them all run onto the field with Liam looking back at you, while you just smiled looking to the floor.

You were very close to Theo since the third grade however, when he left, you didn't keep in touch mainly because you were like 10/11 years old.
You were on a run in the woods when you saw a figure at the bridge you used to meet Theo at when you were kids. You walked closer to the figure to see Theo turn around, which created a huge smile on your face as you ran as fast as you could to hug him.
"Theo, your back!!"

Teen wolf preferences🐺Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя