Chapter 47

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After our wedding, Josh and I only had two days together and we spent the days packing. I had some things I needed to finish up with X-Men. Yea I know what you are thinking; gasp what about Nick. Honestly it was a tad awkward but oh well.

I didn't care if I only had two days with Josh. We spent those two days together and honestly just being with him is all I need. He makes me happy and spending time with him was perfect. After those two days were up, I'll admit, it was upsetting but now it's I am standing at the airport ready to board my plane to see that boy again and I can't get anymore excited.

I step into the airport in Atlanta. I quickly grab all bags as search for Josh through the sea of people and cameras. I looks right up at me, smiling his goofy smile. I run straight into his arms. It's not like a cheesy movie where he picks me up and spins me around. We simply stand there, pulling each other closer.

He pulls away and kisses my forehead. You know when I said I couldn't get more excited, well that was a lie because I am more excited than ever.

Josh takes my hand and leads me through the airport to the waiting car.

"I missed you so much." He says as we walk.

"Well how could you not?" I ask sarcastically.

"Very funny." He starts laughing. "But I honestly don't know how I couldn't miss you."

Cue blush. This boy. We reach the car. The bodyguards put our stuff in the back before we climb on in. I lean against Josh.

"I love you." He whispers.

"I love you too." I smile up at him.

"Aww the lovebirds are back together!" Jena exclaims rather loudly. Damn way to ruin the moment.

"Way to ruin their moment, Jena!" Willow says hitting her.

"Well I'm sorry but did you want to see these to suck each others faces off?!" Jena asks the whole car.

"Yea I vote no." Sam chimes in.

"The moment was cute and you ruined it." Willow argues.

I look up at Josh who is just laughing at all of them.

"Yea I missed you guys too." I say over their loud voices.

"Can you believe it's almost over?" Jena asks.

An unsettling quietness falls in the car. (A/N yea that so makes sense)

"At least y'all live. Sam and I die soon." Willow jokes trying to lighten the mood.

"We're still gonna hang out right?" Josh asks them.

"Yea friends for life. No matter what. We promised on the first day of filming." I say trying to reassure them.

I take Joshs hand along with Willows. I give her a reassuring smile.

"It's all gonna work out." I sigh.

"Hopefully!" Jena exclaims. She starts laughing which only causes everyone in the car to laugh.

"Well at least you guys aren't stuck with Jena for the rest of your bloody lives!" Sams accent gets a bit thicker. Everyone starts laughing before that sentence really gets processed.

"Holy shit! He proposed!" I yell.

"Sams brother did propose." She confirms.

Willow looks at me. I dig through my purse and hand her a five dollar bill. She smiles before turning her attention back to Jena.

"How when and where?" She asks.

"Well he set up a scavenger hunt, each leading to one of our dates and it ended on the Empire State Building where he proposed." She gushes on the details.

Secret Love (Joshifer)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz