Chapter 37

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Josh never explained what his friend told me. Part of me thinks the friend was lying. Josh and I were just friends at that time. I made that clear. Like it was very loud and clear. Part of me thinks that Josh was just my best friend who fell for me.

I dont know and I know I shouldnt care but I did and I just couldnt shake it. The whole week and a half with Joshs parents, all I could think about is that stupid thing. It was like I was becoming obsessed with it. I couldnt stop. I had to know the truth. But if I brought it up with Josh, he might get mad and I am sick of us fighting. I just want to happy and I'm happy with him. Josh makes me happy.

We decided the easiest thing to do was to drive to my parents house. It wanst that far. Josh and I had the car loaded down at 7.

"I'm so tired." I whine.

"Yea. So am I and I'm the one driving." Josh snaps. Boy was he cranky in the morning.

"Did someone not get there beauty sleep?" I tease.

"Just shut up and get in." Josh opens my door and helps me in. What a gentleman. Not really. He's tired and wants a head start.


Jen dozed off as soon as she hit the seat. Just like that she was out and I was left driving alone. I look over at her. She was definitely something alright. Her hair all over the place, no makeup, no fancy outfit. But this is the Jen I like the most. Sure she looks gorgeous all dressed up but that is the Jen the cameras see. I fell in love with the Jen the cameras didnt get to see.

When Jen told me she knew that I was in love with her during the Hunger Games filming, my heart dropped. I didnt want her to know, so I pretty much ignored her the whole week. I was trying to figure out what to say to her. I just couldnt find the words to say. Describing why I am in love with Jen, is like describing what water taste like. Nearly impossible. The girl is perfect, even when she doesnt think so. She makes me laugh all the time. She is the girl of my dreams and I am just the boy who hopes to be in her dreams.

Jen turns toward me.

"You know you should keep your eyes on the road." She mumbles.

"I'm sorry would you like to drive, sleeping beauty." I joke.

"Funny Josh. Real funny."

"You know I love you." But instead of saying it back, she says nothing. She just sits there and stares out the window.

"Jen..." I sigh.

"What" She asks trying to not look at me.

"I do love you. More than you could ever imagine." I tell her taking her hand.

"I know you do Josh but you pretty much ignored me the whole week." She says playing with my fingers.

"I know I did but I have a reason." I say. "So you have an excuse." She says cutting me off.

"Just listen Jen. Yes I did fall in love with you during Hunger Games. As soon as I saw you, I knew you were the one that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. I didnt want to tell you because I was going to tell you during our vows but now I have to rethink everything."

"You were thinking about our wedding?" She asks smiling.

"How could I not. I had the most beautiful girl in the world by my side. It was kinda hard not to."

"How come you never told me that you were thinking about our wedding?"

"Because you got freaked out when I said lets get married, I didn't want to freak you out anymore."

Secret Love (Joshifer)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें