"Poppy! Where have you been?" Every head turned their attention to the doorway and their laughter died down.

"Arwen 'kidnapped' me before throwing me into a bath. Can't say I'm complaining."

"You look very nice, lass," Balin commented, giving the girl a wink. She smiled in thanks.

Lindir arrived moments later with a bowl filled with lettuces, something Poppy grew in her garden back at the Shire. There was a lovely dressing coating it as she continued to lean against the pillar and eat.

"How can you eat that stuff?" Kíli asked.

It was only then the Half-breed noticed their appalled looks at the fact that she was eating such healthy food.

"It's not bad. I eat this on occasion at home." Some visibly gagged causing her eyes to roll. "You didn't even give it a chance. I bet none of you tried it."

"You're wasting your breath, lass," Balin stated. "No one is willing to eat it."

Though he chuckled when Poppy dangled a leaf in Ori's direction and the Dwarf shuffled out of her arm's reach. Smirking, the young woman continued eating before someone approached from behind. Looking over a shoulder Thorin stepped into the light before glancing down at Poppy with furrowed brows.

"That's new," he commented towards the dress.

It was dark green, reaching the ankles, sleeves long as well. A golden trim lined the edge of the collar, which swooped low to reveal just enough cleavage. It complimented her dark hair nicely.

"The Elves didn't really fancy me dressed as a boy," she said. "Though they had to find me something a child would wear because I'm so short." They were silent for a moment, watching as Fíli and Kíli challenged each other with a game. "Thank you." His eyes flickered back in her direction. "I never got a chance to say it before, but if you hadn't pulled me out from under that Warg... I owe you."

"You owe me nothing," he stated.

"Not even a free of charge blade sharpening?"

His brows furrowed. "We already don't pay you."

"Don't think I won't give you a bill when this quest is over for my services. I have a business to run."

A short chuckle escaped his lips without meaning to and Poppy grinned, trying hard to contain her laughter. Finishing off the meal, she set the bowl to the side.

"So how did you like it? The food." Poppy asked, nodding towards the dish.

He grunted. "I managed."

The corner of her lips twitched in amusement and Thorin forced himself to look away, calling forward Balin and Bilbo to join him as they left in search of Elrond and Gandalf. Though for some reason he found himself wishing to stay in the Half-breed's company instead.

Sitting beside Ori, the Dwarf began to pluck the flowers from the bush that had grown over the side of the balcony before placing them in her hair.

"I don't think the Elves will like you very much for doing that," the blacksmith stated.

"What they don't know won't hurt them," Dori stated. "Besides, it's finally being put to good use."

As the Dwarves continued to converse around their small fire Poppy listened to them tell stories of their many adventures throughout Middle-Earth. In return she told tales of her own working under her master. How the mule they used to work their equipment once broke loose and she had to chase after it through the Shire. Only to fall in a patch of mud. Fíli and Kíli laughed so hard they nearly fell over. And then there was the time when her hair got too close to the fire in her first few months of work and caught the flames. She ran around waving her arms about trying to put it out until the master came rushing inside and dumped a bucket of water on her head. Again the Dwarves laughed so hard it carried through the halls.

No Elves came to join them, most likely finding their boisterous noises an annoyance. But none cared as one by one they began to roll out their mats and settle down for the evening. It was quite warm out as Poppy lay atop her blanket. When Balin, Bilbo, and Thorin returned, the Hobbit and older Dwarf quickly retired, exhausted from the day's events. But the prince glanced over his company before staring out over the land of Rivendell. He wished to put as much distance between this place and them as quickly as possible. But they would have to wait till dawn with the Orc pack hunting so close to the border. They traveled best in darkness and would be run down easily.

Movement from the corner of his eyes drew the Dwarf's attention, looking towards the sleeping Half-breed. And he noticed the white flowers that still decorated her hair, almost giving Poppy an ethereal look. A dress suited her well, even if made for an Elf. Head shaking he began making his own bed, and fell into a deep sleep.

Book 1: Come Home [Thorin Oakenshield]Where stories live. Discover now