#1 - "Bitter Memories."

Start from the beginning

A quick nip of his tongue snapped Washington out of his thoughts. 'I'm in the training room right now. Forget about that, for now.' He ordered himself, as F.I.L.S.S. started to talk to him.

"Agent Washington, it is certainly a surprise to see you here." F.I.L.S.S. told him with a sense of joy in her voice. "But, wouldn't you rather be with the other Freelancers? Agent York came in here a few hours ago, and told me to contact him if anyone came here." Washington couldn't describe the annoyance he felt right now, but it was eating at him.

"Don't do that, F.I.L.S.S, I have my own reasons for being here." Washington told her. He didn't want to be rude to her, but he just wasn't in the mood to be interrogated or questioned by anyone.

F.I.L.S.S. responded quickly with confusion. "Agent Washington, is there a reason why you don't want to hang out with Agent York and the other Freelancers? There are records of you skipping out on every event Agent York plans, and you only come back when they are done with." Washington wasn't surprised that there was records of it, there must be records of anything.

Still, Washington would let those records stack up if he had to. The only one with complete access to them is the Director, and even the Director doesn't know about his past. Washington can be satisfied with that fact.

"F.I.L.S.S., how large are those files?" Washington asked curiously, now standing in the middle of the training room. The robot responded quickly after scanning over each file, getting the correct size base.

"Four point six gigabytes, Agent Washington. This is excluding the times you skipped out on the events because of sickness or missions, but including those -- it rises to six point seven gigabytes." F.I.L.S.S. told him, reviewing the files over again. "It is apparent that you get the cold a lot. Is your room below the standard temperature, Agent Washington?"

A small chuckle left his mouth as he shook his head. Suddenly, the negative thoughts that were plaguing him were fading away and he felt as if he could have a decent night's rest for a change.

"No, F.I.L.S.S., I promise my room's temperature is up to standards. No worries there."

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

But poor Washington was terrible wrong. After a few practice sessions in the training room, he headed back to his room at a late hour, believing the event would be over, but he was wrong. York was still talking to everyone about his "golden" birthday, and how his mom drove him eight hours from where they lived to go to a water park.

"... my mom was truly the best," sighed happily York after his story, before he noticed Washington in the doorway. He looked out of place, wearing his full suit of armor while everyone else was in casual clothing. "Hey, Wash. Nice of you to finally join us." 'It doesn't really feel nice.' Washington thought to himself, glancing at the arm York had around Carolina and the nearly asleep South, who was laying against North's back.

Everyone wouldn't stop staring at him. 'What happened to my relaxing night?' Washington asked himself, knowing that the stares would only get worse if he didn't say anything.

"Uh, yeah." He managed to get out, his voice slightly shaky from the unwarranted attention. "... is this going to end soon? I, uh, really need to get to bed and my bed is kind of taken." Washington said with a quiet sigh, Wyoming and C.T. were lounging on the upper bunk, taking up all of the space.

York glanced at Washington with a small frown. Normally, he'd just accept this as normal attitude from Washington, but this is happening way to much for it to be normal. "Wash, dude..." He said quietly, slowly moving his arm away from Carolina and standing up in front of Washington. "Excuse us, please." York said kindly at the group of Freelancers, a few of them were asleep.

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