Chapter 7: Shock Me

Start from the beginning

Being a demigod was sometimes boring for her. One reason is that all the people around you would be texting away while you sit there as a phoneless retard. She felt jealous of the mortals who can use gadgets without being attacked by monsters. Her mom offered to buy her a phone but she always declined.

She snapped out of her thoughts when someone waved a hand in front of her face. She looked up to see who it was.

“Matt!” she stood up. Ami wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug, “I haven’t seen you in forever!”

Matt chuckled and pulled away from her, “Missed you too, Ami. Oh, and I brought Damien with me.” Ami turned her head and noticed Damien right behind Matt. She gave him a quick hug and the three of them sat in the table.

“So how are you guys? How’s camp?” Ami asked them. They were two of the year round campers.

“Boring,” They replied in unison. Ami laughed at this. There weren’t much people there during the school year.

“So let me guess,” Ami said, “You sneaked out of camp and got Lindy to tell me to meet you here.”

Damien nodded, “Yep.”

“What if Chiron or the praetors notice you gone?” she asked. Matt pouted, “Aw, come on, Ami. Don’t you miss your brother and your friend?”

Ami rolled her eyes. Matt was an egotistic son of Zeus, and her only brother. Damien was a son of Janus and one of her close friends. Yeah, she had lots of friends at camp, but only these two would sneak out of camp to visit her.

“So how’s your mom?” Matt asked her. Ami shrugged, “Strict as ever.”

“You do know that someday you have to tell her? She might not believe it, but she deserves to know that your dad is the almighty Jupiter.” Damien told her. Even if her brother was older, in between the two, Damien was the mature one. He often gave the best advices.

Ami snorted, “Right. She’ll probably send me to a doctor or something.”

“Your decision,” Damien said. Typical Janus kid.

“How about Lindy?” Matt questioned. Ami smiled at the mention of her, “She’s fine. Tomorrow she’s going to Washington.”

“How come?”

Ami gulped and froze. She couldn’t risk telling them about the girl, even if they’re her friends.

“Uh, you know the company and stuff.” Ami made up and excuse.

They spent the time talking until Ami realized it was almost her curfew. She said a quick goodbye to them and went home.



“I-I’m what?” Clover asked in disbelief.

“You’re going somewhere tomorrow,” Xandra repeated, her fingers laced together and her face serious.

“Y-you’re kidding, right?” Clover said, “Go somewhere, like, outside of school?” She can’t believe Xandra was saying this.

“Yes, you are.” This time, Mrs. Mackie appeared in the doorway. She, too, had a serious expression.

“Why? Where am I going?” she asked.

Xandra took a deep breath, “Clover, it’ll be best if we tell you tomorrow. Right now, we were just telling you ahead of time so you won’t be freaked out tomorrow.”

She can’t believe what she heard. Xandra called her to her office then suddenly she tells her that she’s going away? Then Mrs. Mackie butts in their conversation? What was happening in her life?

“I don’t understand,” she pressed her teachers to tell her more, “Why am I going away?”

Sure. She wanted to be out of this hell, but the school was her home. She already had Jed – and somehow Ash, too – protecting her from Merilda, she had private lessons of the subject she’s most interested in…but the scene she saw last night. That wasn’t a hallucination, she was sure.

“Clover, please, we’ll just take care of all of this tomorrow.” Mrs. Mackie said, “Go on.”

A bit shaken up, she stood up from her seat and headed out the door. There were a lot of strange things happening in her life right now, she didn’t know what to do. She leaned on the lockers and sighed.

“Hey,” a voice startled her causing her to jump. She turned and realized that it was only Jed.

“Hi,” she greeted back, “What are you doing here?”

He shrugged, “I was afraid you might be in trouble, so I came up to check what was up.”

Clover shook her head, “It’s all weird. Xandra and Mrs. Mackie told me I’d be going away. I don’t know why.” She put a hand on her forehead.

She felt Jed tense up and back away a little and that made her confused.

“Why?” he asked with a hint of nervousness.

“I told you,” she answered, “I have no idea. But I can tell it’s something serious.”

Clover heard him gulp, “Serious?”

She threw her arms in frustration, “Are you just going to stand there and spit out questions all day?! I need help, I need advice! W-what is happening?”

She started to go away but Jed tried to stop her, “Wait, Clover, I’m sorry!” But she didn’t turn away. She instantly ran towards her room.

Though, she didn’t know what really awaits her tomorrow.


Okay, so I think we all know who Lindy’s granddaughter is. And what do you think will happen in the next chap? It’s going to be sooo awesome, promise. And Damien, how do you like your character? You know who you are *wink*.

-Vireen, Daughter of Riches

Dedication: SonofJanus!!!! Hope you liked it, Ganu. XD....

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