Chapter 9- Id fall in love with her all over again

Start from the beginning

Tyler and josh had there own microphone Lya stopped them for a quick second "that was panic! At the disco ladies and gentlemen" Lya then nodded to Tyler to continue

"I'm Tyler"

"And I'm josh"

"Okay that was the amazing twenty one pilots" Lya said as she pulled out a paper "okay so our first question is something I bet many panic! Fans have on their minds- Brendon you started to have a slight breakdown while preforming northern downpour could you explain that" I froze as I was remind of that I looked over at y/m who looked pretty uncomfortable as lya mentioned that

Lie okay lie "well that song me and Ryan wrote, its about his sister, who's also my lovely girlfriend y/n Ross- I just, she's really special to me and ryan so just preforming that for the first time live just meant a lot to me and her I hope" okay great job Brendon, I looked at y/n again who gave me a small smile- I returned it then gave my attention back to Lya

"Aw that's so adorable- and something else that happened during that y/n right? Actually ran up on stage and calmed you down it seemed like could you confirm all this?" Okay now this is getting hard

I nodded and quickly thought something up "yea- it was y/n she just relaxed me ya know" I tried to keep it small not wanting to get tangled in my own lies

"Okay okay cute" Lya said before turning her attention to Tyler "you also have a girlfriend does she have any like songs to her?"

Tyler shook his head indicating no "not yet she and josh knows I am for sure dedicating a song for her on our next album but that's all I'm saying for now about it" Tyler said

The rest of the interview was fine then it has to end in a wreck "one last thing before we go here guys- you all seem to have been involved with some type of drama with a well known singer Halsey" oh course fuck what now

"I don't really think we should talk about this-" josh added before he was cut of by lya

"Of course you should- she's been recently tweeting about y/n a lot I believe calling her a lot of names can you confirm if anything she has been saying is true" lya said directing that at me

"None of the rude things she is saying towards y/n are true y/n is wonderful and has never been anything but that I'd fall in love with her all over again- so no none of these dang rumors about her are true" my protective side came out on that

Confirm if that's true how can someone just-ugh Lya started ending the interview not commenting on what I said. Right as she finished I got up and stormed out of the building

Y/n's point of view

Brendon stormed out of the building, I got up and followed him he ended up going all the way outside, I found him leaning against the van we took here I lightly jogged over to him once I stopped him

"You okay" I asked stupid question as I leaned against the van as well

He nodded slowly "I'm just a bit annoyed that's all"

I rested my head on his shoulder I didn't say anything I figured he got mad because of what they said about me so I'd let him talk to josh or something "I love you Brendon" I said quietly

He rested his head gently on mine "I love you too y/n" Brendon said softly

Me and Brendon stayed that way for a few minutes then everyone came walking out of the building Josh was the first to come up to us "you good man?" Josh asked

Brendon nodded "yea I'm good now" he said as he moved himself up

"Okay good, were gonna head back to the bus so we'll see you tomorrow?"

Me and Brendon nodded and Josh hugged us both then went with everyone else into the van they took here

"I'll drive if you want?"  I asked, seeing that Brendon still looked a bit upset or deep in thought he's hard to read

"No its fine I'll drive" he still seemed off and this time I dint really know how to fix it

"You know you can talk to me right?"

"Yea" he sighed "I know- I just feel like I messed up in there"

"You did fine for all the shit questions she threw at you trust me"

"I guess"

"No guesses you did great- so let's go to the hotel and have a movie night or something"

Brendon smiled a bit and nodded "sounds great" he said and kissed me

I smiled and convinced Brendon to let me drive so he could relax and just try and forget what happened, we drove back to the hotel Brendon took my hand and we walked up to our room by the time we got to the hotel it was around 8 or so

I went in my bag and took out some pajama shorts and a tang top, I went into the bathroom and changed then took of my makeup and put my hair up

I walked out of the bathroom to find Brendon laying under the covers in the bed waiting, I slid in the bed next to him and grabbed the remote resting my head on his chest, I went through the movies and turned on Labyrinth it was one of our favorites movies (throwback movie sorry I love it)

We watched the movie I'm mostly silence except Brendon who would occasionally start humming witch I enjoyed I loved his voice so much

Brendon's point of view

By the time the movie was over y/n was already sound sleep on my chest gosh she's so cute, I turned off the tv then carefully ,over down on the bed so we were actually laying down I kissed her forehead then slowly fell asleep

I woke up around 6:45 so I could get ready for our date we've been in dates before but this one seemed a lot more special- I'd make it a lot more special

I carefully got up and got dressed black jeans and a white shirt, why ma I so excited for this? Anyway I saw y/n was still asleep so I quickly went to the nearest store and got her one of her favorite flowers. Am I being extra? No she deserves a lot more than this so I'm good right? Gosh I'm a stress case

I texted y/n to meet me at the restaurant I kinda wanted it to be a surprise when I see her jeez I'm being annoying about this- she answered almost immediately witch is good so I wouldn't have to spam her and wake her up

I only waited about 20 minutes before she arrived- gosh she's so beautiful she had a nice blue casual dress on and she just- wow . I immediately smiled as I saw her walk in every time I look at her i fall in love with her all over again, she gives me that great feeling whenever I see her

I snapped myself back into reality and handed her to flower,  she smiled cutely as always "thank you" I nodded and we got lead to our seats. We got a booth and I slid in and y/n got in next to me

A/n- I shall finish the date in next chapter!!! So next chapter gonna be some brother time and the rest of the date along with ten concert then they all leave Vegas so If you have any places you'd like to have them go next I'll add it

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