Chapter Four

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Am i dead? I don't think so because i'm pretty sure that dead people can't feel pain but i'm feeling a whole butt load of it. I groan and I open my eyes and find that i'm in an unfamiliar room in an unfamiliar bed in an oversized mans t-shirt that's most definitely not mine. I then remember what happened last night and the only thought running through my mind is that i've been raped! I'm about to start hyperventilating when i hear footsteps coming from down the hall. I bury my head under the covers and pretend that i'm asleep. I subtly move my hands around the bed and find a pen to use as my weapon. Once I hear the footsteps coming closer I count to three and fling the covers off of my head and attack the person while screaming out a war cry. Im inches from the persons face when they caught my hands and held my hand above my head while pinning me to the bed. Now since I can't escape I look to see who my attacker is and am shocked to see that it's Boaz. I can't believe it...Boaz is my attacker!

" I can't believe you'd do this," I scream up at his confused face. " I mean yeah, I spilled some food on you but that doesn't give you the right to beat me up and kidnap me!" His once confused face turns into one of realization.

" I didn't beat you up, in fact I saved you from your actual attacker and I didn't kidnap you I brought you here instead of leaving your unconscious body behind an alley, and what kind of thanks do i get? You trying to stab my eyes out!" He says getting progressively madder with each word that he spits out.

" What?" I gasp out surprised with this new revelation. " So I wasn't raped? Oh thank god!" I look back up at him and I see that his eyes look slightly darker than usual.

" Oh my gosh! Boaz are you okay?" I ask him concerned and worried for his well being.

" God, Guinevere you're so naive." He tells me and i'm slightly upset at him for his stupid judgement.

" Oh if i'm so 'naive' then let me go home and away from you!" I yell up at him while trying to get him off me by bucking my hips to have him let go of me, but all he does is groan and starts to kiss my neck, which stops all of my movements to get him off of me.

" W-What are you doing?" I ask. "And could you please move your phone it's digging into me and it's really uncomfortable." The only response I get from him is a humourless laugh and him bucking his hips into me which causes me to let out a breathy moan.

" Oh gosh, please don't stop this feels so good." I beg him on a loud moan escaping my mouth. " What is this feeling Boaz?" I ask him, but apparently this snaps him out of whatever daze he was in because he get off of me so fast but before he leaves he stops at the doorway.

" Breakfast is ready." He tells me in a deeper voice than he normally uses. 

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