Stefan Imagine

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You walked into the Mystic Grill holding the straps of your backpack. It had been a terrible day at school and all you wanted to do was go home and sleep but your friends had other plans.

"Meet at the grill and just have fun." Those were their words.

"Hey (Y/N),"Elena said as you got to the table they were sitting around.

"Hi guys,"you said forcing a small smile taking a seat between Caroline and Damon.

"So I was thinking seeing as its Friday let's go to the Salvatore house and get drunk,"Caroline said with one of her bright smiles.

"Sounds like a good plan to me,"Damon said with his usual smirk,you didn't even know why he was there.

"I'm all for it,"Tyler said from beside Stefan,who was looking at you with concern.

"We all are,"Elena said smiling.

"Then let's get outta here,"Damon said getting up making everyone follow suit. You let put a sigh - this was not how you wanted to spend the evening.

"Hey you okay?"Stefan asked walking next to you.

"Uhm...yeah I'm fine just tired,"you lied running a hand through your (H/C) hair.

"You sure?"He asked with a frown. Stefan cared about you a lot and always wanted to make sure you were okay.

"Yeah,"you briefly said as Caroline waved you over indicating that you were driving with her,Elena and Bonnie while Damon and Stefan carpooled and Tyler with Jeremy.

"Tonight is gonna be so much fun!"Bonnie exclaimed from beside you. "We haven't done this in weeks."

"Yeah tonight we'll drink all our sorrows away,"Caroline said driving behind Damon.

"Sorrows yeah,"you said looking out the window at the crescent moon shining brightly in the sky.

"C'mon (N/N) lighten up,its all about being somewhat normal teenagers tonight,"Elena said from the passenger seat sending you one of her friendly smiles.

"Fine,"you said rolling your eyes before returning her smile. You still felt kinda crappy but knowing you weren't gonna be alone tonight made you feel slightly better.

"You think they'll allow us into their secret stash?"Caroline asked still smiling - her cheeks must be aching right about now.

"What? The Salvatore's let us into their secret stash? No way,"Elena said as Caroline parked the car.

"Maybe we can bribe them,"Bonnie said with a smirk as they got out and walked to the door.

"I need to use the bathroom,"you said walking away from your crowd of friends.

"Is (Y/N) okay?"Stefan asked seeing you walk to the bathroom.

"She says so but I don't think so,maybe you should go check on her,"Elena suggested making Stefan walk the way you did. You didn't go to the bathroom you were sitting in the study staring at the rows and rows of books.

"C'mon (Y/N) talk to me,"he said sitting next to you on the steps.

"Its just I don't understand what's happening to me,you know becoming a vampire was a total accident and I wasn't ready at all Stefan,"you said with a sigh as you thought back to the fatal night.


"(Y/N) go with Elena,"Stefan said pushing you towards the brown haired girl. You guys were in the school trying to hide from some rouge vampires who had come into town - the plan was to lead them to the Lockwood cellar and lock them in there for a while but things went south and you guys ended up at school trying to stay alive.

Teen Wolf and Vampire Diaries imaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang