Heart pounding, Camila watched her go. I love you.

* * * * *

"I saw you, Camila, and Kyle leave the house together this morning," Ally said as she sidled up to Lauren on the sideline. "Uh-huh." "The three of you looked cute together."

Lauren turned and gave Ally a piercing glare. "Whatever it is you want to know, just ask so I can watch the game."

"Okay," Ally said accommodatingly. "How serious are the two of you? Is she wonderful in bed? Has she told you yet that she loves you?"

"I don't know. Definitely." Lauren hesitated and glanced at Camila, who stood only yards away, her attention riveted on her young players. "Yes, she's told me."

"It sounds like things are very serious, then." Ally's tone was serious as well. "Do you love her?"

"I—" Lauren broke off as Camila turned to her with a stunned expression on her face. She saw Camila press her right hand to the center of her chest just before she collapsed abruptly to the ground. Even as she started to run, Lauren snapped to Ally, "Call 911 and keep the kids away from here."

In less than five seconds, Lauren was kneeling on the ground by Camila's side. Camila lay motionless on her back, eyes closed. When Lauren pressed two fingers to the carotid artery on the right side of Camila's neck, her stomach seized, and for an instant, her mind went completely blank. She couldn't feel a pulse. Then, with instinct born of years of training and motivated by a resolve that burned through her with white-hot fury, she brought her closed fist down sharply in the center of Camila's chest. You will not die. I will not lose you. God damn you, you will not do this to me.

Just as Lauren, preparing to start CPR, pressed both hands to the center of Camila's sternum, her eyes fluttered open. The breath stopped in Lauren's chest as unfocused brown eyes met hers.


"It's all right, baby. You're all right." Lauren, almost weak with fear and relief, fought desperately to keep her voice steady. "Just lie still."

"What happened?" Camila tried to push up on her elbows but found that she was light-headed. "I'm a little dizzy."

"I know." Lauren wrapped her fingers around Camila's wrist, enormously comforted by the strong, steady pulse. "You fainted. We need to take you to the hospital so I can evaluate the situation."

She didn't see any point in telling Camila that she'd had a cardiac arrest. It had been a brief episode that had responded immediately to the "cardiac thump," and in all likelihood, no heart muscle damage had been sustained. Still, the danger remained that she'd have another arrhythmia that Lauren would not be able to convert so easily again. She needed to get Camila into the EMS van where she would have a defibrillator at hand.

"I think I'm okay," Camila said quietly, slowly realizing what must have transpired. Lauren was white as a sheet and her eyes were huge, all pupil. God, please, don't let me lose everything now. Not now. "Sweetheart, I'm okay."

"You seem to be, but I still need to run some tests." Lauren brushed her fingers over Camila's forehead but kept one hand on her shoulder to prevent her from trying to rise again. "Baby, please don't argue."

"No," Camila replied, catching Lauren's hand and holding it firmly. "I won't. Can I see Kyle before we go? Or do you think it would be better not to let her see me now?"

The sound of the siren grew nearer. Lauren glanced around and saw that a ring of adults had enclosed them, keeping everyone else away. Ally stood nearby, her attention on Lauren and Camila.

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