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My eyes fluttered open and I can see my room’s ceiling.

I am really dreaming.

What have been I thinking these past few days to give me such dreams. I have to clear my mind and start to think about more important things rather than nonsense.

It’s just seven in the morning and my class isn’t until ten am. But I’m going to prepare for school though.

I’m going to prepare my breakfast first. I looked into my refrigerator and got some ham and eggs out.

I’m out of my chocolate drink. Maybe I should go to the grocery store later.

I went out to buy my chocolate drink and to get some bread too.

I walked to the nearby bakery. The saleslady was just standing by the counter. She looked my way and I smiled at her. I proceeded to looking at their products.

“Excuse me, could you give me five pieces of cheese bread and ten pieces of pandesal and one sachet of milo.” I was smiling to her but she was staring through me. She didn’t even budge and doesn’t even look like she’s going to serve me.

“Excuse me miss, I was asking if yo-“ I freezed.

My mind went all blank. I can’t even feel myself breathing.

A woman just passed through me; like I was nothing but a sheet of thin air.

Like, like I’m a ghost.

I examined my hands and body. I’m not invisible. In fact, I look very solid.

I reached out to the woman.

But my hands,



I just went through her.

I can’t lay a single finger on her.

I can’t touch her.

I tried and tried but the same thing happened.

I backed away and ran again to the safety of my house.

Am I going insane? I must see a doctor; an expert to be sure.

I immediately grab hold of my phone. With shaking hands, I dialled my mom’s number.

She picked up after the fifth ring.

“Hello mom?”


“Mom, I think, I think I need to see a doctor now.”


“Could you go home for me, mom?”

“Hello Anne? Are you in there?”

“Mom, can’t you hear me?”

“Hello? Anne?”

 Removed the phone from my ear and stared at it in disbelief.

She couldn’t hear me.

The call ended after seconds.

No. Maybe, maybe the line was just broken. Maybe the feed isn’t just clear enough for her to hear.

How about the woman earlier? What was that?

Maybe, maybe she was a spirit and I just happened to see her.

Then something came to my mind.

Is it back? Am I seeing people others can’t? But that stopped years ago. Is it here to haunt me again?

It can be but I don’t want it back.

I’m holding my head with both hands; my forehead leaning on my knees. What’s happening? I thought they stopped it already? They did, don’t they? Why is it back again?

When I heard my parent’s conversation, it just wouldn’t go out of my mind. The next days made me think that I couldn’t even eat properly anymore. I don’t even want to out of the house because I’m a freak. I’m weird. People wouldn’t want to be near someone who can see what they can’t.

My parents were worried sick naturally. So they decided to bring me to a doctor. The doctor said that it’s quite natural for kids to have imaginary friends. That most kids imagine what they see on tv or hear to be real stuffs. That doctor suggested that we see another expert to make things clearer. He was pointing out to a supernatural expert. Maybe I have a sixth sense; a third eye.

My parents did so. The man confirmed that I do have the sixth sense. Luckily, it isn’t that powerful so I’ve only met with a few wandering spirits. My parents asked if he could close my third eye to keep me from seeing others again. But he warned us that it could go back again and be more powerful than before.

They still agreed on closing it but with my approval, of course. They asked for precautions that would help in preventing from it to go back again. We followed what needs to done and it was never back.

Or so I thought.

Is it really back then?

That girl; the girl in school, is she a lost spirit too?

I have to see that for myself.

I walked the usual way. The people I saw last night was not there anymore.

I am walking past a lamp post when I caught a glimpse of something.

Or someone rather.

From my peripheral view, he’s wearing a police uniform; the old type; the uniform during the Japanese times. I abruptly stopped on my tracks and turned to where he is.

But no one’s there.

I continued to walk.

I don’t really know what came to me. I’m being impulsive; I just can’t keep my mind straight now what with all that’s happening to me.

Am I really going to talk to that girl? I know I can’t but I have to. Maybe she can give me answers to all of my questions.

The third floor corridor is eerily empty now.

Is she going to show up like what she always does?

I kept my eyes forward; ears ready for another set of footsteps that would walk with me.

I kept my calm. I have to.

I reached my vacant room. I headed for my usual seat and I’ll wait there.

But she didn’t give me a visit. My classmates have already arrived and my class has already finished but that person- or should I even call her that? - was nowhere to be seen. I even waited at the fire exit.

I tried to go home as soon as possible too to avoid the swarm of people I saw the last time. I just could not take any more of this chaos I’m in.

Maybe, tomorrow? After all, my schedule for tomorrow would make me stay late at school.

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