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Ugh, it’s cold and noisy. So I pulled my blanket up and covered my head with a pillow. But the noise just wouldn’t stop. It’s like something is repeatedly banging onto something else. It’s ruining my sleep.

I removed the pillow covering my head and with one eye, looked around my small room to see where or rather what is making that annoying sound. I searched for my phone under my pillow to see the time. It’s just 2: 30 in the morning. My hands dropped to my side causing my phone to bounce on the mattress.

“Sheesh, stupid window.” I whispered to myself.  I lazily got up and lazily walked towards the window; my lids gave up and automatically closed themselves in the process. The breeze hit me the moment I got to the window. I felt myself shiver because of the cold. With effort, I forced an eye to open so that I could see the lock. I managed to close it even if my eye immediately gave up.

I went back to my bed and sleep, of course. I was on the verge of slipping away to dreamland when something cold blew on my face. My mind woke up and I became aware of everything a sleepy mind can’t notice. I went still; I was holding my breath, trying to feel my surroundings.

So here I am again, being paranoid about nothing. But is it really nothing?

It’s just the electric fan, paranoid me. I told myself to relieve me from this feeling. With eyes shut close, I tried to get my phone from under my pillow. But i got my earphones instead. Then I remembered that I got it out earlier to see the time. I let my hand roam the bed for it.

The moment I grabbed hold of it, I hastily plugged the earphones and let the music drown me until I fell asleep.


I can hear another noise from beside me and it’s also vibrating.

I rapped for it and opened an eye. It’s my alarm. I have classes today. One last sigh and I got up to wash my face and to prepare my breakfast.

I live alone in a small apartment, half an hour away from my university. Both of my parents are abroad, working. I’m an only child.

I’m not really the typical girl who goes to school then go somewhere else before going home. I don’t have friends to hang out with anyway. Besides, my degree program prevents me from doing so because it requires a lot of requirements that just keeps on coming one after the other to think that it’s only the first half of the year. My course schedule is also frustrating because I have to stay late some days because of long breaks. So I often go home late and end up falling asleep without dinner or change of clothes. I end up waking in the middle of the night those times. It’s uncomfortable for me since I’m alone.

I still have to walk for about ten minutes before I could ride a bus or jeep to school. My street is always quiet and I don’t know why. It’s like a ghost town. Just houses with lots of unkept plants. I also wonder if they ever thought of hiring a street cleaner for scattered trash are always blown by the wind. Maybe my neighbours are just too busy to clean their own front yards.

My classroom is at the end of the third floor corridor, near the restrooms and fire exit. It’s an energy consuming walk since I obviously have to take three flights of stairs and a long walk before I can finally sit down and catch my breath. Thankfully, my classroom is air-conditioned.

The door is somewhat already creaky. Maybe it’s the hinges. They really should at least fix it if not replace it.

I walked to my usual seat at every class and sat there. Like I said, I don’t have friends so this is the best place for me since nobody usually sits beside me. There’s still just a few of us and the silence makes me sleepy.

I woke up about time before my professor called my classmate 3 names before me.

“Anne Cruz.”  I raised my hand and after a few more names, the professor started the discussion then dismissed us a little earlier than usual.

After two more classes, I walked to my usual place, the fire exit.

I pushed the door slightly so I could peek inside to see if the lights are on or not or if someone is there. Other students seldom go here, of course. I’m the only one who often does.

I reached for the light switch and waited until the lights are on before I went inside and carefully closed the door behind me. The walls are white and handrails are dusty. This is a place where your voice would just echo back to you.

I sat down on a stair and opened my bag. I got my lunch out and eat it there.

After putting my lunch box back in my bag, I got my book and turned it to our lesson for this day. I’d usually do this but I only end up reading the first paragraph and stare ahead for the rest of my break or fall asleep.

Since I didn’t get enough sleep, I fell asleep instantly.


I can feel the hot temperature and the sweat on my face. Then my mind slowly started to work. I opened my eyes then closed them again. I wiped my face with my handkerchief then opened the back pocket of my bag to see the time on my phone.

I still have an hour before my next class so I decided that I’ll stay where I am for now. I closed my eyes, slowly drifting to sleep again.

But just before I did, I heard footsteps. I tried to feel where it is coming from. It’s probably from below because I didn’t hear the door opening which is just four meters away from me.

I can hear the footsteps coming closer but along with it is the feeling of heaviness. It’s like the atmosphere here has suddenly become dense and is wrapping around me. The hotness that was there earlier slowly dropped but I’m still sweating like hell.

It’s this feeling again. The feeling where there’s something or someone that’s going to you uninvited. My breath caught in my throat making it hard for me to inhale properly.

I can hear it getting heavier and louder with every step.

It’s there, in the landing just before my flight of stairs. It stopped, and then somehow I can feel it take a step up slowly.  Every step was crystal clear in my ears.

It’s just in front of me now; I can sense that person there. I thought that she- I can hear some heels-will just pass by me but she stopped right on my stair; the very step I am sitting on right now. And the burdened feeling intensified.

I opened my eyes just a little bit enough to see the feet. Yes, she’s wearing shoes with low heels. That’s the only thing I saw for I closed my eyes the moment I saw a glimpse of what’s in front of me.

I can feel her staring at me, but why? Now I’m weighing between opening my eyes and see for myself or to just keep my position right now.

Keeping me like this might deprive my body with oxygen because I realized that I was holding my breath.

I’ve decided.

But the moment I opened my eyes, all vanished; the heavy feeling along with the cool air circulating a while ago. I was also surprised to see no one.

But I didn’t even hear her walk away or open the door. That made me gape in front of me and to wonder about it for about twenty minutes until I heard my phone ring, signalling that I should already get going. Before I left my place, I looked around once more and just realized that the lights are all off on the lower levels besides mine.

Author's Note:

bebenta kaya to? :3

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